出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第632页(4491字)
acute abdomen急腹症;腹部急症
acute abscess急性脓肿
acute alcoholism急性酒精中毒
acute and new disease卒病
acute anemia急性贫血
acute aphonia暴瘖
acute appendicitis急性阑尾炎
acute arthritis急性关节炎;厉节
acute ascites水臌;急性腹水
acute bacterial myocarditis急性细菌性心肌炎
acute bronchitis急性支气管炎
acute carcinoma急性癌
acute catarrhal conjunctivitis急性卡他性结膜炎
acute cholecystitis急性胆囊炎
acute conjunctivitis风火眼
acute contagious conjunctivitis红眼
acute dementia急性痴呆
acute diarrhea急性腹泻
acute diarrhea and vomiting due to cold-evil寒气霍乱
acute disease急性病
acute eczema浸淫疮
acute experiment急性实验
acute febrile disease温病
acute febrile disease with prolonged onset伏气温病
acute gastritis急性胃炎
acute gastroenteritis急性胃肠炎;霍乱
acute gonorrhea急性淋病
acute hepatitis急性肝炎
acute hydrocephalus急性脑积水
acute hyperemia暴赤
acute infantile convulsion急惊风
acute infantile diarrhea in children小儿卒利
acute infection急性传染
acute infectious disease急性传染性疾病
acute infectious disease in summer暑温夹疠
acute inflammation急性炎症
acute jaundice急性黄疸
acute laryngeal infection急喉风
acute laryngitis急性喉炎
acute leukemia急性白血病
acute lumbar strain急性腰扭伤
acute lupus急性狼疮
acute lymphangitis血络疔
acute mastitis乳痛;乳吹
acute mastoiditis耳后痛
acute mumps急性腮腺炎
acute myelitis急性脊髓炎
acute nephritis急性肾炎
acute internal otitis急性内耳炎
acute pain急痛
acute pain of epigastrium心下急
acute pancreatitis急性胰腺炎
acute paralysis急性麻痹
acute pelvic inflammation急性盆腔炎
acute pemphigus急性天疱疮
acute pharyngitis急喉痹;急性咽炎
acute pharyngitis due to pathogenic wind heat风热咽痹
acute pleurisy急性胸膜炎
acute poisoning急性中毒
acute pseudomembranous conjunctivitis急性假膜性结膜炎
acute pyogenic infection急性化脓性感染
acute pyogenic infection of finger tip代指
acute radiation death急性幅射死亡
acute rhinitis急性鼻炎
acute scleritis火疳
acute skin disease characterized by redness of the affected part天火
acute spasmodic laryngitis急性痉挛性喉炎
acute stage急性发作期
acute suppurative inflammatory disease急性化脓性炎症
acute tenosynovitis急性腱鞘炎
acute tetanus急性破伤风
acute tonsillitis急蛾;急乳蛾
acute tuberculosis急痨
acute ulcerative gingivitis走马牙疳
acute vomiting急性呕吐
convulsive seizures resulting from acute diarrhea and vomiting霍乱转筋
relieve the secondary symptom in an acute case急者治标
restoration stage of some acute diseases急性病恢复期
symptomatic treatment in acute condition and radical treatment in chronic condition急则治其标,缓则治其本
The patient has a history of repeated occurence of acute inflammation.该患者有急性炎症反复发作的病史。
Acute and new disease is a relatively severe disease with sudden onset.卒病是急起且较严重的疾病。
Anhidrosis of the whole body can also be found in internal injuries or exopathic diseases.内伤,外感亦可见全身无汗。