
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:13:49

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第659页(2402字)




arthralgia aggravated by cold痛痹

arthralgia and myalgia筋骨疼痛

arthralgia caused by cold-evil寒痹

arthralgia caused by cold-wetness evil寒湿久痹

arthralgia caused by the yin pathogens such as cold dampness寒湿等阴邪所致的痹症

arthralgia caused by wetness-evil湿痹

arthralgia due to cold寒(皮)痹

arthralgia due to dampness湿痹

arthralgia due to deficiency of the blood血虚痹

arthralgia due to deficiency of the qi气虚痹

arthralgia due to deficiency of the vital energy气虚痹

arthralgia due to heat热痹

arthralgia due to stagnation of the blood血痹

arthralgia due to stagnation of qi气痹

arthralgia due to stagnation of the vital energy气痹

arthralgia due to wind风痹

arthralgia due to wind-cold-dampness风寒湿痹

arthralgia due to wind-dampness风湿痹痛

arthralgia hysterica癔病性关节痛

arthralgia of extremities支节烦疼

arthralgia saturnina铅(中)毒性关节痛

arthralgia syndrome痹证;关节痛证

arthralgia with other joint symptoms骨痹

cold arthralgia寒痹

damp arthralgia湿痹

five kinds of arthralgia五痹

general arthralgia着痹

intermittent arthralgia周痹

migratory arthralgia间歇性关节痛

obstinate arthralgia顽痹

periodic arthralgia周痹

postpartum arthralgia产后痹证

severe and migratory arthralgia白历节

severe arthralgia痛风

three types of arthralgia三痹

wind arthralgia风痹

wind arthralgia syndrome风痹

yin arthralgia阴痹

Fixed pain in the joints of the four limbs pertains to arthralgia due to cold.四肢关节固定痛,是寒痹。

Moderate and deep pulse pertains to pathogenic cold-dampness or to damp arthralgia.脉缓而沉,多为寒湿,或湿痹。

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