
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:17:04

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第669页(1795字)




avoid being heated避免受热;仅防受热

avoid bleeding防止出血

avoid bowel movement勿解大便

avoid certain food忌口

avoid contacting epidemic pathogens避其毒气

avoid damage of the cold with cold寒无犯寒

avoid damage of the gastric qi无犯胃气

avoid damage of the heat with heat热无犯热

avoid drug poisoning or accumulative toxicity防止药物中毒或蓄积中毒

avoid eating pungent and greasy things忌辛辣油腻

avoid erroneous diagnosis避免误诊

avoid excessive comfort防止过逸

avoid exertion in hunger and fullness饥饱勿劳

avoid fainting防晕针(用于针灸)

avoid fishy taste food勿吃

avoid missed diagnosis避免漏诊

avoid over-exertion避免强力

avoid over-exertion of the mind节制心劳

avoid partial food纠正偏食

avoid physical strain避免体劳

avoid protracted exertion避免久劳

avoid pungent flavour food,cigarettes and alcoholic drinks忌吃辛辣食物;忌烟酒

avoid reinfection防止再感染

avoid sexual strain节制房劳

avoid shrimps and crabs忌吃虾蟹

avoid too much or little sexual activity房事勿过频或过疏

avoid too much sweet,fatty or cold food避免过食香甜、油腻、生冷之品。

For cold syndromes,uncooked or cold food should be avoided.寒证,忌食生冷。

For heat syndromes,hot,pungent and greasy food should be avoided.热症,忌食辛辣,油腻。

上一篇:aversion 下一篇:axillary