
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:17:19

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第670页(1508字)


Ⅰ n.①背部,背脊②背面,反面Ⅱ a.①后面的,背后的②舌后的,软鄂的,口腔后部的Ⅲ v.退,倒Ⅳad.返回

back knee膝反屈

backing up of the needle退针

be on one’s back卧病在床;位于背部

bring back使恢复

bring the dead back to life起死回生

bring back life to a patient手到病除

carbuncle on the back背痈

chilly sensation in the back背寒

cold feeling in the back背寒

hunch back驼背;背偻

located at the back位于背部

pain in the shoulder and back肩背痛

pain of the back背痛

pain of the lower back and the leg腰腿痛

shoulder and back pain肩背痛

sprain one’s back闪了腰

stiffness of the nape and back颈背强直

straighten one’s back伸腰

strain of the muscles of the back背肌劳损

the back and belly背与腹

the back auricle耳廓背面部分

the back bone脊骨;脊柱

the back of the hand手背

the back teeth臼齿

the tortoise back龟背

He has terrible pain in the back.他背部剧痛。

He broke his back quite badly.他脊背伤得很厉害。

The back is yang,the abdomen is yin.背为阳,腹为阴。

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