
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:24:10

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第695页(1271字)




brain axis脑轴

brain box头盖骨;脑壳

brain case脑壳;头颅

brain cell脑细胞

brain fever脑(脊髓)膜炎

brain pan脑壳;头颅

brain power脑力

brains marrow脑髓

brain stem脑干

brain strengthener健脑

brain wet脑水肿

concussion of the brain脑震荡

enter the brain进入脑内

eye brain视脑

new brain新脑(大脑皮质及其所属)

nourish the brain健脑

the little brain小脑

the olfactory brain嗅脑

the thalamic brain丘脑

the function of the brain大脑的功能

use the brain reasonably合理用脑

use the brain regularly勤用脑

The brain is a sea of marrow.脑为髓之海。

The mind is able to bring the brain into a tranquil state.集中意念可以使大脑入静。

If the kidney-yin is deficient,brains marrow and bones will not be replenished.肾阴亏虚,则脑髓骨骼失充。

上一篇:boxing 下一篇:brain-invigorating