
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:34:33

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第728页(3608字)


Ⅰ a.①清澈的,晴朗的②畅通的③条理清楚的Ⅱ v.①清除,扫除②开拓

q clear mind清晰的头脑

clear and suppress the pulmonary qi肃降肺气

clear away把…清除掉

clear away fire清火

clear away heart-fire and tranquillize the body and mind清心安神

clear away heat清热

clear away heat and alleviate pain清热止痛

clear away heat and disperse phlegm清热化痰

clear away heat and eliminate pus清热排脓

clear away heat and eliminate wetness清热化湿

clear away heat and loose the bowels清热通便

clear away heat and promote diuresis清热利湿

clear away heat and promote salivation清热生津

clear away heat and purge pathogenic fire清热泻火

clear away heat and resolve the stagnation清热导滞

clear away heat and stop bleeding清热止血

clear away heat and toxic materials清热解毒

clear away heat from the blood to regulate menstruation清热凉血调经

clear away heat located at ying and let theeruptions out清营透疹

clear away heat located at Yingfen清营

clear away heat to stop diarrhea清热止泻

clear away liver-fire to treat eye disease清肝明目

clear away lung-heat and moisturize dryness清肺润燥

clear away lung-heat and retain the lungyin清络保阴

clear away lung-heat to relieve asthma清肺平喘

clear away pathogenic heat and dampness清热利湿

clear away pathogenic heat and remove the toxin清热解毒

clear away pathogenic heat in the pulmonary collateral channels清泄肺络之热

clear away stomach-heat清胃热

clear away summer-heat清热解暑

clear away summer-heat and eliminate wetness清暑化湿

clear away summer-heat and replenish qi清暑益气

clear away the dampness and heat from both the liver and gallbladder清利肝胆湿热

clear away wetness-heat清湿热

clear away wetness-heat evil from the lower warmer清利下焦湿热

clear cold and eliminate phlegm祛寒化痰

clear deficiency-heat清虚热

clear heat and cool the blood清热凉血

clear heat and eliminate the phlegm清热化痰

clear interior heat清里

clear off清除;消散

clear one’s throat清清嗓子

clear out把…清出

clear the channels通经

clear the bowels and moisten the dryness清肠润燥

clear the liver疏肝

clear the lungs and eliminate the phlegm宣肺化痰

clear the lungs and moisten the dryness轻宣润燥

clear the mind of all stray thoughts净神不乱思

clear the urinary bladder洁净腑

clear the water passages宣通水道

clear pulmonary collateral channels and preservethe yin liquids清络保阴

clear up整理;治愈

clear up both the qi and ying phases气营两清

The clear qi can not ascend.清气不升。

How many days has it been since your last menstruation cleared off?你的月经干净几天了?

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