
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:36:24

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第733页(12955字)


Ⅰ n.①冷,寒冷②伤风,感冒Ⅱ a.冷的,伤风的

abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold寒积腹痛

abdominal pain due to cold寒冷腹痛;寒气腹痛

accumulation of cold and stasis of qi寒凝气滞

accumulation of cold in the liver channel寒滞肝脉

accumulation of pathogenic cold in the large inestine大肠寒结

a deficiency and cold of the middle warmer中焦虚寒

a medicine for colds感冒药

arthralgia due to cold寒(皮)痹

asthenia cold of triple warmer三焦虚寒

asthenic cold syndrome虚寒症

a syndrome with heat in the exterior and cold in the interior既表热又内寒之症

a variety of cold syndrome寒症型

aversion to clod畏寒

aversion to cold with a feeling of cold sprinkling over the body洒淅恶寒

be in a cold sweat出冷汗

catch cold感冒

clear cold and eliminate phlegm祛寒化痰

cold abscess寒性脓肿;痨疮

cold accumulation冷积

cold allergy寒冷变应性

cold and damp寒湿

cold and heat寒热

cold and hot寒热

cold asthesia冷劳

cold at the blood phase血分有寒

cold clammy limbs手足厥冷

cold compress冷敷

cold conversion of Shaoyin少阴寒化

cold damp dysentery寒湿痢

cold diarrhea寒泻

cold dysentery寒痢

cold due to deficiency虚寒

cold evils寒邪;寒

cold excess syndrome寒实证

cold extremities手足厥冷

cold fainting寒厥

cold feeling in hypogastrium小腹清冷

cold feeling in the back hypochondriac distension背寒肋胀

cold feeling of external genitals阴冷

cold feeling of the whole body体厥

cold foot足冷

cold from within the body寒从中生

cold gangrene寒性坏疽

cold hardiness耐(抗)寒力

cold hands and feet手足凉

cold hemoglobinuria寒性血红蛋白尿

cold injury冻伤

cold in the interal内寒

cold in the lower limbs下肢冷麻

cold in the upper and heat in the lower上寒下热

cold limbs手足厥冷

cold malaria寒疟

cold manifestation寒象

cold moxibustion冷灸

cold nature寒之性质;寒性

cold numbness冷麻

cold on the lungs肺寒

cold originated from the interior寒自内里

cold originating from the interior寒从中生

cold pain冷痛;寒性疼痛

cold pain of the upper limbs上肢冷麻

cold phlegm寒痰

cold phlegmatic symptom complex寒痰症

cold prescription寒剂

cold property of drug寒(性)

cold purgation寒下

cold sore寒疮;寒性脓肿

cold stage发冷期

cold stroke中寒

cold superficiality寒表

cold sweat冷汗

cold symptom complex of the spleen脾寒症

cold syndrome寒症;寒邪外感

cold syndrome of the excess type实寒

cold syndrome of the middle-warmer中寒

cold syndromes due to deficiency of the spleen-yang脾阳虚而引起的脾虚寒症

cold syndrome with pesudo-heat真寒假热

cold therapy冷疗法

cold transformation寒化

cold type consumption冷劳

cold type dyspnea寒喘

cold ulcer寒性溃疡

coma in the cold symptom compex寒症神昏

common cold感冒

constipation due to excessive cold阴结

constipation of cold nature寒性积滞

constipation of cold type冷秘

cough due to cold寒嗽

deadly cold hand and foot手足厥逆

development of cold symptom寒化

diarrhea due to cold寒泻(泄)

direct attack of pathogenic cold on the yinchannels寒邪直中阴经

dispel the wind and cold驱风寒;解表

disperse cold by warming the channels温经散寒

dispersion of pathogenic cold by warming the middle warmer(or heater)温中散寒

dizziness due to pathogenic cold寒邪眩晕

drugs of cold nature寒性药

drugs with salty and cold properties性味咸寒药物

easily take colds容易伤风

eliminate cold damp除寒湿

eliminate cold for resuscitation逐寒开窍

eliminate the cold逐寒

endogenous cold内寒

endogenous cold syndromes due to deficiency of the kidney-yang肾阳虚引起的内寒症

epidemic cold syndrome寒疫

epilepsy induced by cold weather寒痫

exopathic cold外寒

expel cold散寒

expel cold and relieve wheezing散寒平喘

expel cold and wetness散寒祛湿

expel cold to stop vomiting散寒止呕

expel wind and cold evils疏散风寒

exterior cold and interior heat表寒里热

exterior cold syndrome表寒证

exterior heat and interior cold表热里寒

exterior pathogenic cold and dry factors外感凉躁

external cold中外寒

external cold symptom外寒

external wind and cold外感风寒

feel cold觉得冷

feel mean with cold因伤风而感不适

fire enveloped(or wrapped)by cold寒包火

hepatic cold肝寒

hiccup due to cold寒呃

infantile malnutrition of cold type冷疳

intermingling of cold and heat寒热错杂

internal cold内寒

interral cold due to hypofunction内寒

intolerance of cold畏寒

aversion to cold畏寒

loathing of cold憎寒

menorrhalgia due to cold and dampness寒湿凝滞痛经

menoschesis due to cold and dampness寒湿凝滞经闭

mobid crying at night due to cold寒(夜)啼

obstruction of the lung by cold-phlegm寒痰阻肺

occurrence of cold syndrome in case of extreme heat热极生寒

periumbilical colic due to invasion of cold寒疝

phlegm syndrome due to cold寒痰

precordial pain due to cold冷(气)心痛;寒(厥)心痛

purgation with drugs of cold nature寒下

qi stasis due to cold寒凝气滞

relax the bowels with drugs of cold nature寒下

retension of cold and fluid in the middlewarmer寒滞中焦

shiver with cold冷得发抖;寒战

simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndromes寒热错杂

stubborn cold痼冷

subjective hot or cold似寒非寒,似热非热

supplying fluid with the salty and cold咸寒增液

sweat a cold sweat出了一身冷汗

sweat out a cold发散;出汗治伤风

syndrome caused by the attack of cold evil straight in yin channel阴症伤寒

take a bad(heavy)cold患重感冒

take(get,have)a cold伤风;感冒

the bitter drugs of cold nature to purge the liver fire性味苦寒有清泻肝火功效的药物

the cold and cool medical school寒凉派

the damp and cold syndrome寒湿病症

the damp-drying drugs with bitter taste and cold property苦寒燥湿药

the drugs of cold or cool nature凉性药物

the exterior cold表寒

the interior cold里寒

the stomach affected by cold胃寒

treat cold syndrome with drugs of hot nature治寒以热

treat deficiency and cold of the Gastric-Qi治疗胃气虚寒

treat the cold-syndrome with hot-natured drugs寒者热之

tremble with cold冷得发抖

upper cold and lower heat上寒下热

using medicines of cold nature to treat pseudo-cold syndrome寒因寒用

vomiting and diarrhea due to cold寒霍乱

vomiting due to pathogenic cold寒呕吐

vomiting in children due to cold小儿寒吐

warm the middle-jiao to dispel cold温中祛寒

warm the middle heater and eliminate the cold温中祛寒

wind and cold风寒

wind-cold type of common cold风寒感冒

wind-heat type of coinmon cold风热感冒

yin cold in the liver and kidney肝肾阴寒

Cold induecs contraction.寒则气收。

I took cold last night.我昨夜受寒了。

I had a cold last night.我昨夜受寒了。

Cold and heat succeed each other.寒来暑往。

Cold also refers to the cold syndrome.寒也指寒症。

Heat reaching its extreme generates cold.热极生寒。

Cold refers to affection by the external pathogenic cold factor.中寒指伤于寒邪。

Cold reaching its extreme may produce heat.寒极生热。

Cold refers to the pathogenic cold factor.寒意指病因中的寒邪。

Cold floats when it becomes predominant.寒胜则浮。

Winter sees more diseases due to cold.冬季多寒病。

Cold syndrome is usually caused by pathogenic cold.因受寒而发病,其病性多属寒性。

Tense pulse indicates cold syndrome and pains.紧脉主寒症,主痛症。

Overabundance of heat may bring about false cold.热极生寒。

Overabundance of cold may bring about false heat.寒极生热。

Internal cold is originated from the interior of the body.内寒是从体内直接产生的。

Cold prevails in winter and exists also in other seasons.寒为冬季的主气,其他季节亦可见到。

Floating and tense pulse is due to exterior cold syndrome.脉浮象而紧,多为表寒症。

External cold is the pathogenic cold factor from the exteriror.外寒即外感寒邪。

Cold transformation syndromes is more commonly seen in shaoyin disease.寒化症是少阴病中较为多见的症候。

Diseases with dilute and clear discharges are due to cold.诸病水液,澄澈清冷,皆属于寒。

Pseudo-heat manifestations may occur in the case of cold syndrome.假热症的表现,出现于真寒症。

The stomach ache attacks me as soon as having something cold.吃点凉的就胃痛。

Exccess of yin or deficiency of yang will lead to cold syndrome.阴盛或阳虚者表现为寒症。

Cold and heat are two of the Eight Guiding Principles of diagnosis.寒热是八纲中辨病的两个纲领。

The cold syndrome should be treated with drugs of warm or hot nature.寒症应用温热的方法治疗。

The external pathogenic cold factor injures mostly the external structure of the body.外感寒邪常常先伤及外部形体。

Hepatic cold means the accumulation and stagnation of the pathogenic cold factor in the Liver channel.肝寒指寒邪凝滞在肝经。

Yin maculae useally pertains to asthenic cold syndrome,seen in miscellaneous diseases due to internal injury.阴斑属虚寒症,多见于内伤杂病。

Cold syndrome with pseudo-heat manifestationsis preceded by cold syndrome with later development of heat phenomena.真寒假热表现为先见寒症,后见热象。

The true-cold and pseudo-heat disease is of cold nature but exhibits some apparently heat symptoms and signs.真寒假热病是寒症本质,却表现为某些假热性症状。

Development of cold symptoms means the cold pathogen invades yin channels,leading to the development of cold-deficiency symptoms.寒化指寒邪入阴经出现虚寒病症。

Internal cold refers to the syndrome which resulted from an impairment of the visceral functions and weakness of the yang pricinple.内寒乃内脏腑功能衰退,阳气虚弱所致的病症。

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