出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第751页(1742字)
bone consumption骨痨(疮痨,流痰)
consumption of body resistance due to improper needling脱气
consumption of qi and the fluid by summerheat气津暑伤
consumption of the body fluid caused by febrile diseases热病伤津
consumption of the body fluid due to excessive heat热盛津伤
consumption of the kidney essence肾精消耗
consumption of the kidney-yin by heat热灼肾阴
consnmption of the yin liquid阴液亏损
consumption of yang qi耗散阳气
consumption of yin caused by febrile diseases热病伤阴
consumption of yin caused by prolonged fever久热伤阴
energv consumption能量消耗
internal consumption of the heart-blood暗耗心血
internal consumption of the qi and the blood暗耗气血
luxus consumption过量消耗
oxygen consumption耗氧量
pulmonary consumption肺病
severe consumption of the fluid津液大伤
sumnier-heat consumption暑瘵
the consumption of healthy energy精气夺
the consumption ofthe body fluid津伤耗津
the consumption of the body fluid caused by overabundawe of heat热盛津伤
the consumption of vital energy伤气;气消
the consumption of yin fluid caused by the evil heat热邪损阴
water consumption耗水
Bone consumption is tuberculosis of the bones and joint.骨痨乃是骨与关节结核病。