
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:49:19

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第766页(1842字)


Ⅰ a.潮湿的,有湿气的;Ⅱ n.湿气,潮湿

clear summer-heat and excrete damp清暑利湿

combination of wind and damp风湿相搏

damp accumulated and heat restrained湿郁热伏

damp and cold syndrome寒湿病症

damp and heat stasis inside the body湿热内蕴

damp diarrhea湿泻

damp disease湿病

damp edema湿肿

damp excreting drugs利湿药

damp fever湿温

damp malaria湿疟

damp stagnancy湿郁

damp toxins湿毒

dissipate heat by reducing damp渗湿于热

dissolve damp化湿

downward flow of damp and heat湿热下注

dry damp and eliminate phlegm燥湿化痰

dry the damp燥湿

eliminate damp祛湿

eliminate the pathogenic damp factor消除湿邪

excrete damp利湿

excrete damp by tasteless drugs淡渗利湿

nourish yin and excrete damp滋阴利湿

phlegmatic symptom complex due to pa

thogenic damp factor湿痰症

the spleen with the damp pathogen湿邪困脾

the vital energy phase obstructed by damp湿阻气分

warm yang principle and excrete damp温阳利湿

Excess damp bri ngs about chronic diarrhea.湿胜濡泻。

Predominant damp reduces yang principle.湿胜阳微。

The wind,cold and damp remaining in the body affect the meridians,vessels and joints.风、寒、湿停留于内,则影响经络、血脉和关节。

Thready pulse indicates damp syndrome.细脉表示湿证。

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