
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:57:50

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第788页(1907字)


=malgnant boil and malgnant furuncle疔

carrying-tray Ding托盘疔(又称拿心毒)

chengjang Ding承浆疔

cleft Ding足丫疔

digital Ding指疗

ear Ding耳疔

facial Ding面疔

fish-belly Ding腹疔(又称肚疗)

foot Ding足疔

gangrenous Ding疫疔

heel Ding跟疔

icteric Ding疔疮走黄

lingual Ding舌疔

lip Ding反唇疔(又称唇疔)

loach Ding(acute tenosynovitis)泥鳅疔

lock-jaw Ding锁口疔

necrotic Ding烂疔

renzhong Ding人中疔

segment-eroding Ding蛀节疔

snake-eye Ding蛇眼疔

snake-back Ding蛇背疔

snake-head Ding蛇头疔

sole Ding足底疔

tiger-beard Ding须疔(又称虎须毒)

toe Ding趾疔

tooth Ding牙疔(又称穿牙疔)

yongquan Ding涌泉疔

Ding is an acute,suppurative inflammatory lesion of the body surface.疔是一种体表化脓性疾患。

Chengjiang Ding is Ding at Chengjiang Point on the lowerlip.承浆疔指生于下唇承浆穴上的疔疮。

Tiger-beard Ding is Ding at the angle of the mouth.虎须疔指生于口角外方的疔疮。

Lock-jaw Ding is Ding at the angle of the mouth.which interferes with the opening of the mouth锁口疔指生于口角处,影响口张开的疔疮。

Loach Ding is Ding involving an entire finger with swelling,pain and purpish discoloration,like a loach.泥鳅疔指一个手指全部肿胀疼痛,呈紫色形如泥鳅的疔疮。

Fish-belly Ding is Ding of the palmar surface of the middle phalanx of a finger,swollen as the fish belly.蛇腹疔指生于手指中节掌面,肿胀如鱼腹的疔疮。

上一篇:Dingkou Lizhong Wan, 下一篇:dip