
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:00:35

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第800页(1986字)




disturbance in ascending and descending升降失常

distubance in lung’s dispersing and descending function肺气失宣

disturbance in qi transformation气化不利

disturbance in the metabolism of the body fluid津液代谢障碍

disturbance of milk flowing排乳不畅

disturbance of phlegm due to stagnation of the gallbladder胆郁痰扰

disturbance of qi and the blood气血紊乱

disturbance of sleep扰睡眠

disturbance of the activity of the shoulder joints肩关节活动障碍

disturbance of the liver-qi肝气不疏

disturbance of the pulmonary qi肺气不利

disturbance of the pulmonary vital energy肺气不利

disturbance of the spleen-yang due to damphess湿困脾阳

disturbance of the splenic vital energy脾气不利

disturbance of visceral function脏功能紊乱

disturbance of water fluid metabolism水液代谢障碍

equilibrium disturbance平衡障碍

functional disturbance功能障碍

interior disturbance内扰

interior disturbance of the phlegm-heat痰热内扰

internal disturbance due to phlegm-fire痰火内扰

internal disturbance of deficiency-heat虚热内扰

mental disturbance and restlessness心神不安

mental disturbance due to accumulation phlegm-fire in the heart痰火互结,扰乱心神

nine kinds of illness due to disturbance of the vital energy九气

physiologic disturbance生理功能紊乱

the disturbance of the chest and diaphragm by heat热扰胸膈

the disturbance of the internal spirit内扰心神

urination disturbance淋证

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