出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第801页(1248字)
activate yang and promote diuresis通阳利水
clear away heat and promote diuresis清热利湿
diarrhea treated by diuresis利小便以实大便
diuresis-promoting herbal medicine利水药
diuresis through warming the kidney温肾利水
eliminate phlegm and promote diuresis消痰利尿
induce diuresis and dissolve calculi利水化石
induce diuresis and normalize menstruation利尿调经
induce diuresis for treating stranguria利尿通淋
induce diuresis to eliminate dampness利尿化湿
induce diuresis to reduce edema利尿消肿
induce diuresis to reduce fluid retention利尿逐饮
promote diuresis利水
promote diuresis and pus discharge利尿排脓
promote diuresis with drugs of bland flavour淡渗利湿
regulate the flow of qi to induce diuresis理气行水
remove dampness and promote diuresis利水渗湿
The porridge has the actions of removing damp-heat and promoting diuresis.这种粥除湿热,利小便。