
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:01:30

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第801页(2523字)




dizziness and distending pain in the head头晕胀痛

dizziness and tinnitus头晕耳鸣

dizziness by dryness-fire evil燥火眩晕

dizziness caused by adverse flow of qi下厥上冒

dizziness caused by cold-wetness evil寒湿眩晕

dizziness caused by summer-heat冒暑眩晕

dizziness caused by the attack of wetnessevil in summer days暑湿眩晕

dizziness due to cold evil寒邪眩晕

dizziness due to common cold感冒眩晕

dizziness due to deficiency of the blood血虚眩晕

dizziness due to depression of qi气郁眩晕

dizziness due to fluid retention停饮眩晕

dizziness due to heat-stroke冒暑眩晕

dizziness due to hyperactivity of the liveryang肝阳眩晕

dizziness due to injury损伤眩晕

dizziness due to kidney asthenia肾虚眩晕

dizziness due to loss of the blood失血眩晕

dizziness due to pathogenic wind-cold风寒眩晕

dizziness due to pathogenic wind-heat风热眩晕

dizziness due to phlegm-fire痰火眩晕

dizziness due to retention of phlegm痰饮眩晕

dizziness due to the liver-fire肝火眩晕

dizziness due to wetness-heat evil湿热眩晕

dizziness due to wind-cold evil风寒眩晕

dizziness due to wind pathogen风眩

dizziness due to yang deficiency阳虚眩晕

dizziness during pregnancy妊娠眩晕

dizziness with distending sensation in the head眩晕兼头胀

feeling of oppression and dizziness郁冒

have a sensation of dizziness感到眩晕;头晕

paroxysmal dizziness阵发性眩晕

patient suffering from frequent dizziness冒家

sudden dizziness突然目眩

sudden onset of dizziness突然发生的头晕目眩

treat vertigo,dizziness and insomnia治疗头目眩晕夜寝不眠

trembling and dizziness掉眩(头晕,头摇)

Do you ever feel dizziness?你头晕吗?

The dizziness is more serious.晕得更厉害了。

Dull pain with dizziness and pale complexion is(或are)caused by deficiency of the blood.头痛隐隐,眩晕面白,则是血虚所致。

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