
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:01:45

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第802页(1542字)


Ⅰ n.医生,医师,大夫;博士Ⅱ v.诊治,医治,行医;授…以博士衔

a doctor’s armamentarium医用设备

a good doctor良医

a miraculous doctor神医

consultation of doctors会诊

doctors in the same family for generations世医

doctor of medicine医学博士

doctor of pharmacy药学博士

doctors through the ages历代医家

doctor’s skill医术

family doctor家庭医生


panel doctor健康保险医师

public health doctor(公共)卫生医师

see a doctor就诊;看病

send for a doctor请大夫(来看病)

take a doctor带病人去看病

the bell-ringing doctor铃医;走方医

the court doctor御医

the doctors of Chinese medicine中医大夫

the doctors of Western medicine西医大夫

the imperial doctor太医

the witch doctor巫医

The doctor forbids him to smoke.医生不准他抽烟。

The doctor advised a light diet.医生建议吃清淡的食物。

The applied force of the doctor’s fingers may be great or light when he feels pulse.诊脉时医生的指力有轻重之不同。

The witch doctor is the practitioner using superstition as the means to treat disease in ancient times.巫医指古代以迷信手法作为治病手段的医生。
