
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:14:10

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第840页(2795字)

【词性】:l n.


邪,邪恶Ⅱ a.不祥的,邪恶的

absurd evil乖戾之气

cold evil accumulating in the large intestine大肠寒结

Cold evil accumulates in the large intestine.大肠寒结。

dryness evil燥;燥邪

dryness-fire evil燥火

eliminate the evils祛邪

evil affecting the orifices of the face邪害空窍

Evil affects the orifices of the face.邪害空窍。

evil causing epidemic disease疠气

evil causing malaria疟邪

evil dryness燥邪;燥

evil energy邪气

evil factors邪气;病邪

evil fire邪火

evil heat邪热

evil heat accumulating in the bladder热结膀胱

evil heat accumulation in the blood血分瘀热

evil heat domination邪热内盛

evil lingering in pericardium邪恋心包

evil lingering in the triple warmers邪留三焦

evil wetness湿邪;湿浊

evil wind风邪;邪风

evils of heat and wetness湿温

expel evil蠲邪;祛邪

expel the accumulation of evils散结

five evil pulses五邪脉

fve kinds of evils五邪

king’s evil瘰疠

light evil清邪

mild syndrome resulting from phlegm-heat evils accumulated in the thorax小结胸

mountainous evil air山岗瘴气

quench evil heat清热解毒

serious syndrome resulting from phlegmheat evils accumulated in the thorax大结胸

six evils六淫

the accumulation of evils结

unusual evil异气

wind-cold evil风寒邪气

wind-wetness evil风湿邪气

yin evil阴邪

Evil heat accumulates in the bladder.热结膀胱。

Evil heat accumulates in the blood.血分瘀热。

Evil lingers in pericardium.邪恋心包。

Evil lingers in the triple warmers.邪留三焦。

Evil qi generally refers to all external pathologic factors.邪气指一切外来的致病因素。

When the healthy energy exists fully inside the body,the evil can not interrupt.正气存内,邪不可干。

Whenever the body is exposed to the evils the vital energy must be deficient.邪之所凑,其气必虚。

The wetness-heat evil has stagnated in the bowel.湿热之邪壅滞肠中。

His healthy energy is asthenic and evil sthenic.他的病为正虚邪实。
