
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:17:34

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第852页(2564字)


Ⅰ a.外面的,外部的,外用的,表面的,肤浅的Ⅱ n.外部,外面

an external cause外因

boil in water for external use用水煮沸外用

cold feeling of external genitals阴冷

connect the superior,inferior,internal and external贯通上下,沟通内外

disease caused by external factors外感

due to external wind and cold由于外感风寒

emit external qi发放外气

external absorption外吸收

external affection外感表症

external affection of pathogenic dampness外感湿浊

external application外敷;外用

external auditory meatus外耳道

external cause外部条件

external cold with interior heat外寒内热

external dampness外湿

external epicondyle外上髁

external factor外因

external fertilization体外受精

external genital外生殖器;外阴

external hemorrhage外出血

external hemorrhoids外痔

external hernia外疝

external illness外证

external invasion by pathogenic factor病邪外侵

external pile外痔

external qi外气

external remedy外用药

external respiration外呼吸

external rotation外旋

external sensation外部感觉

external therapy外治法

external treatment外治法

external wind and cold外感风寒

for external application外敷(用)

medicine for external application外敷药

pain and swelling of the external genital外阴肿痛

send forth external qi布散外气

the external signs of a disease疾病的表面征状

the external yang as the representation ofyin阳在外,阴之使也

ulceration of external genitals阴蚀

External illness means the surgical conditions in general.外证泛指外科病症。

Moxibustion is an external method.炙法是一种外治方法。

The internal is related with the external,and the exterior with the interior.内外相连,表里统一。

External illness sometimes implies the exterhal manifestations of the internal diseases.外证有时指内病表现于外之证侯。
