
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:19:53

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第860页(1915字)




cardiac failure心衰竭

circulatory failure循环衰竭

failure after prolonged palpation久持索然

(the)failure of nourishment of the heart心神失养

(the)failure of qi in keeping the blood flowing within the vessels as commander in charge of blood circulation气不摄血

(the)failure of superficial-qi表气不足

failure of superficial-qi to protect the body against diseases表气不固

(the)failure of the kidney in storing the genital essence肾精不藏

(the)failure of the kidney to maintain normal inspiration肾不纳气

(the)failure of the liver肝厥

(the)failure of the lung肺绝

(the)failure of the spleen in keeping the blood flowing within the vessels as commamder in charge of blood circulation脾不统血

(the)failure of voluntary control of urination失去排尿控制能力

(the)failure of yin to keep yang well阴不抱阳

failure to remove the remaining heat余热未清

failure to warm up温煦失职

heart failure心力衰竭

kidney failure肾衰竭

patient with respiratory failure呼吸衰竭的病人

renal failure肾衰竭

suffer from heart failure患心力衰竭

the consequent failure of yin to suppress yang阴不制阳

the failure of eyesight视力衰退

the failure of memory记忆力衰退

Failure after prolonged palpation means the pulse is hard to be felt even after prolonged palpations.久持索然指诊脉久按之后,脉很难摸到。

The syndrome of insufficiency of the heartqi is seen in heart failure.心气虚症可见于心力衰竭。

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