
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:20:30

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第859页(1914字)




a causative factor of the disease成病原因;病的成因

affection of the facial orifices by a pathogenic factor邪害空窍

deficiency of the vital principle and excess of the pathogenic factor正虚邪实

endogenous pathogenic factors内邪

epidemic pathogenic factors疠气

expel evil factors祛邪

factor of production遣传因子

invasion of the interior of the body by pathogenic factor邪气内陷

non-endo-exopathogenic factors不内外因(三因之一)

pathogenic dry and hot factor燥热

pathogenic factor邪;病邪

pathogenic factor from the exterior表邪

pathogenic factor of cold寒邪

pathogenic factor of malaria disease疟邪

pathogenic factor of warmth温邪

pathogenic factor of wind风邪

pathogenic factors of a febrile disease温热病邪

symptoms caused by cold factors寒症

the damp,heat or damp-heat factors湿邪、热邪或湿热之邪

the invasion of the urinary bladder by pathogenic factors病邪内传膀胱

the relationship between the human body and the pathogenic factors人体与致病因素的关系

the six exogenous factors六淫

the six natural factors六气

the struggle between the vital principle and the pathogen正邪相争

Exuberant pathogenic fator causes substantial syndrome.邪气盛则实。

Factor is blended by the evils of dryness and heat.燥热相携。

The classification of pathogenic factors varies among the doctors of different times.关于病因分类,历代医家各不相同。

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