出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第888页(4739字)
Ⅰ n.骨折Ⅱ v.折断,(使)断裂
abduction fracture外展型骨折
adduction fracture内展型骨折
a fracture of the skull头骨骨折
avulsion fracture撕脱骨折
bones that fracture easily易断的骨
carpal fracture腕骨伤
comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折(碎骨伤)
complete fracture骨缝开错(骨折后断端分离.形成空隙或断端移位)
complicated fracture骨碎筋翻
compound fracture复合骨折
compression fracture压缩性骨折
department of fractures and wounds(外)伤科
displacement degrees of fracture骨折移位程度
fissure fracture裂纹骨折
foot fracture足部骨折
fracture associated with visceral injury合并内脏损伤的骨折
fracture end骨折端
fracture humerus臑骨伤
fracture line骨折线
fracture of backbone背脊骨折
fracture of cervical vertebra天柱骨折
fracture of clavicle锁骨骨折
fracture of coccyx尾骨骨折
fracture of elbow肘部骨折
fracture of femoral shaft股骨干骨折
fracture of humeral shaft肱骨干骨折
fracture of malleolus踝部骨折
fracture of metacarpal bone掌骨伤
fracture of metatarsal bone跖骨骨折
fracture of neck of femur股骨颈骨折
fracture of palella髌骨骨折
fracture of pelvis骨盆骨折
fractuer of pelvic border骨盆边缘骨折
fracture of pelvic ring with displacement骨盆移位骨折
fracture of pelvic ring without any displacement骨盆无移位骨折
fracture of sacrum and coccyx尾骶骨伤
fracture of tarsal bone跗骨伤
fracutre of the base of the first metacarpal bone第一掌骨基底部骨折
fracture of the calcaneum跟骨骨折
fracture of the calcaneum with displacement有移位的跟骨骨折
fracture of the metatarsal bone with displacement有移位的跖骨骨折
fracture of the palella膝盖损断
fracture of the proximal phalanx of the big toe拇趾近节骨折
fracture of the scapula髁骨伤(肩胛骨骨折)
fracture of the skull头骨破裂(颅骨骨折)
fracture of tibia and fibula胫腓骨骨折
fracture of ulna and radius臂骨伤
fracture setting接骨伤
fracture treatment骨折处理
fracture with epiphysis separation骺离骨折
fresh closed monomalleolar or bimalleolar fissural fracture with displacement有移位的新鲜闭合性单、双踝骨折
fresh fracture新伤骨折
greenstick fracture青枝骨折
impacted fracture嵌插型骨折
internal joint fracture关节内骨折
management of trauma and fracture理伤续断
metacarpal cervical fracture掌骨颈骨折
monomalleolar or bimalleolar fracture without displacement无移位的单踝或双踝骨折
oblique fracture斜形骨折(斜断)
old fracture陈旧性骨折
open fracture开放性骨折
pathologic fracture病理性骨折
perforating fracture穿破骨折
phalangeal fracture趾骨伤
powder for fracture and trauma骨折挫伤散
produce fracture造成骨折
reduce fracture整复骨折;使骨折整复
reduction of fracture断骨接整
set a fracture正骨;接骨
spiral or long oblique fracture螺旋形或长斜面骨折
stable fracture稳定性骨折
stable fracture with displacement有移位的稳定性骨折
subcutaneous fracture皮下骨折
the bone lacuma of fracture骨折间隙
the initial stage offracture骨折初期
the nature of fracture骨折性质
the region of fracture骨折部
the site of the fracture骨折处
transverse fracture横形骨折
traumatic fracture伤折
trimalleolar fracture with displacement有移位的三躁骨折
T-shaped fracture丁字形骨折
unstable fracture不稳定性骨折
He fell from a tree and fractured.他从树上跌下,摔断了腿。
The fracture has healed.骨折愈合。