出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第913页(1244字)
Ⅰ n.①(复)齿龈牙床②眼屎③树胶Ⅱ v.用牙床咀嚼
animal gum动物胶
atrophy of the gum牙宣
bleeding from the gum牙衄
disorders of the gum牙龈病变
gum boil齿龈脓肿
myrrh gum没药
profuse gum多眵
pustule of the gum牙疔
red and swollen gums牙龈红肿
redness,swelling and pain of the gum齿龈红肿疼痛
small white cartilage-like lumps on a newborn infant’s gums初生儿牙龈上生有白色小泡,状如软骨
swelling in the gum牙龈肿痛
swelling of the gum龈肿
swollen gum with blisters重龈
the gum margin龈缘
the gum polyp龈息肉
the petal-like gums齿龈结瓣
the petaloid gum齿龈结瓣
valve-like appearance of the gum齿龈结瓣
yellowish eruption on the gum of the newborn马牙
The gums are swollen.牙龈肿起来了。
The gums are red and swollen.牙龈红肿。
Tooth ding is ding of the gums.牙疔指发生于牙龈的疔疮。