出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第924页(10981字)
a morbid condition due to insufficiency of the heart-yang心阳不足所致病变
a smoker’s heart吸烟者的心脏
attack of the heart by retained fluid水气凌心
aversion of the heart to heat心恶热
breakdown of the normal physiological coor dination between the heart and the kidney心肾不交
consume the yin of the heart耗伤心阴
consumption of the yin fluid of the heart心营过耗
consumption of the heart nutriment心营过耗
coordination between the heart and the kid ney心肾相交
the functions of the heart and the kidney keeping balance心肾相交
coronary heart disease冠心病
cough due to involvement of the heart channel心(经)咳(嗽)
deficiency of yin of the heart心阴虚
deficiency syndromes of the heart心虚证
disharmony between the heart and kidney心肾不交
distension related to the heart心胀
eat one’s heart out忧伤过度
envelope of the heart心包络
exhaustion of the yang of the heart心阳耗损
failure of the heart心绝
flaring up of the fire of the heart心火上炎
heart attack心力衰竭;心脏病发作
heart beat心搏
heart block心传导阻滞
heart blood心血
heart burn心灼热
heart confused by phlegm痰迷心窍
The heart is confused by phlegm.痰迷心窍
heart disease心脏病
heart disturbed by phlegm-.fire痰火扰心
The heart is disturbed by phlegm-fire.痰火扰心。
heart failure心功能不全;心力衰竭
Heart Meridian心脉
heart murmur心杂音
heart pain心痛
heart palpitation心悸
heart palpitation due to phlegm-fire痰火怔忡
Heart Pill of Musk麝香保心丸
heart qi deficiency心气虚
heart rate心率
heart rhythm心律
heart shock心脏休克
heart sounds心音
heart system心系
heart tones心音
Heart Treasure Pill心宝丸
heart trouble心病;心脏病
heart yin心阴
heart yin deficiency心阴亏虚
heat as a pathogenic factor in the heart邪热冲心
heat syndromes of the heart心热
heaviness of the heart心情沉重
hyperactivity of the fire of the heart心火炽盛
impairment of the heart caused by overstrain心劳
infantile malnutrition due to heat of theheart channel心疳
injure the qi of the heart损及心气
insufficiency of the yin of the heart心阴不足
keep the heart in communication with the kidney交通心肾
large vessels connecting with the heart心系
long duration of weakness of the qi of the heart心气虚日久
nourish the heart养心
palpitation of the heart心悸
reduce heart rate减慢心率
reflux of air to the heart气上冲心
regulate the heart理心
replenish the heart补心
rhythm of the heart心动节律
sleeplessness due to deficiency of the heart blood心血虚不得卧
slow in to the heart流注于心中
spirit stored in the heart心藏神
Spirit is stored in the heart.心藏神。
suffer from heart failure患心力衰竭
suffer from heart trouble患心脏病
the blood deficiency of the heart心血不足
the blood stagnation of the heart心血瘀阻
the disorder of the heart伤心
the first(second)heart sound第一(二)心音
the function of the heart心的功能
the heart being averse to heat心恶热
The heart is averse to heat.心恶热。
the Heart channel of Hand-Shaoyin手少阴心经
the heart channels心脉
the heart spasm心掣
the heart system心系
the patient with heart failure心力衰竭患者
the qi of the heart心气
the strength of the heart心力
the syndromes of the heart心脏病症
the tongue as the window of the heart心开窍于舌
The tongue is the window of the heart.心开窍于舌。
The tongue is the aperture to the heart.心开窍于舌。
The tongue serves as the window of the heart.心开窍于舌。
The tongue is the orifice to the heart.心开窍于舌。
timidity due to insufficiency of qi and deficiency of the blood of the heart心虚胆怯
weakness of both the heart and the spleen心脾两虚
weakness of the qi of the heart心气虚
weakness of the yang of the heart心阳虚
with a heavy heart心情沉重地
with a light heart心情轻松愉快地
yang-deficiency of the heart and the kidney心肾阳虚
yin of the heart心阴
The heart can not be nourished.心失濡养。
He has a weak heart.他的心脏很衰弱。
His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。
He died of heart failure.他死于心脏病。
The heart fails in housing the mind.心不藏神。
The heart is a yang organ.心为阳脏(心为牡脏)。
The heart is related to the tongue.心主舌。
The heart is the basis of life.心者,生之本。
The heart governs speech.心主言。
The heart is concerned with speech.心主言。
The heart directs speech.心主言。
the control of blood by the heart心主血
The heart controls the blood circulation.心主血。
The heart governs the blood circulation.心主血。
the heart being in charge of the blood circulation心主血
The heart is in charge of the blood circulation.心主血。
The heart governs the mind.心主神明。
The heart controls mental and emotional activities.心主神明。
The heart controls(governs)mental activities.心主神明。
The heart stores the spirit.心藏神。
Phlegmatic fire disturbs the heart.痰火扰心。
The heart fire burns internally.心火内炽。
The heart fire becomes excessive.心火过盛。
Aqueous qi affects the heart.水气凌心。
The heart takes charge of perspiration.心主汗。
The heart is connected with small intestine functionally.心合小肠。
The heart is coupled with the small intestine.心合小肠。
The heart matches summer.心主夏。
The heart pertains to the fire.心属火。
The heart matches the fire.心属火。
The heart corresponds to the fire.心属火。
The heart transfers its fire to the small intetine.心移热于小肠。
The heat of the heart(fire)warms the spleen(earth).心火之热温脾土。
harmony between the heart and the kidney心肾相交
The functions of the heart and kidney keep in balance.心肾相交。
The heart and the kidney coordinate with each other.心肾相交。
The heart is likened to the monarch.心为君主之官。
The heart is the monarch of all the organs.心为君主之官。
The heart is the organ of domination.心为君主之官。
The heart is connected with blood vessels.心合脉。
The heart and the small intestine form a relationship of exterior and interior.心与小肠相表里。
The heart and the small intestine share a paired relationship.心与小肠相表里。
The heart governs the body.身以心为本。
The heart and lung are yang because of being higher.心肺居上属阳。
An excess of joy may lead to the disorder of heart.喜伤心。
The functions of the heart and the kidney keep balance.心肾交泰。
The yin blood is not sufficient to nourish the heart.阴血不足不能养心。
The main function of the heart is to control the blood and the vessels.心主血脉。
the face as the mirror of the heart心其华在面
The facial complexion reflects the condition of the heart.心,其华在面。
Insufficiency of the yin of the heart may cause insufficiency of the blood of the heart.心阴不足可导致心血亏损。
The ascending of the kidney(water)can preventthe heart(fire)from hyperactivity.肾(水)上承可防止心(火)过于亢烈。
When the qi of the heart is weak,it fails to propel the blood circulation normally.心气不足不能正常运行血液。
The heart governs blood circulation and has its outward manifestation in the face.心主血脉其华在面。
The pathogenic heat may easily consume and exhaust the blood of the heart.热邪易伤耗心血。
Deficiency syndrome of heart includes deficiency and blood of the heart,insufficiency of yang and yin of the heart.心虚证包括心气虚、心血虚、心阳虚、心阴虚。
Failure of the heart is one of the five visceral fdilures心绝为五绝之一。
Impairment of the heart caused by overstrain is one of the five kinds of consumptive diseases.心劳为五劳之一。
Insufficiency of the heart-yang is the advanced hypofunction of the heart.心阳虚是心脏机能减退。
The heart controls blood circulation and the face is abundant in blood vessels.心脏控制血脉流通,而面部血脉最为充盈。
The blood gbverned by the heart is the essential substance nourishing the tissues and organs of the body.心脏所主的血液,是营养和滋润全身各部组织器官的物质。
The meaning of the heart in TCM involves the control of the higher central nervous activities such as spirit,consciousness and thinking.中医心的含意包含有控制着诸如精神、意识、思维等高级中枢神经活动的意义。
Palpitation is mainty found in case of the deficiency syndrome of the heart.心悸主要见于心虚证。