
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:45:42

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第939页(2196字)




a herb prescription草药方

antagonism in the eighteen medicinal herbs十八反

Asarum herb(Herba Asari)细辛(中药)

boil medicinal herbs煎药;熬药

chicken-bone herb骨草(中药)

Chinese herbs中草药

Chinese herbs of fast and effective action效果奇特的中草药

Chinese pink herb瞿麦(中药)

common herb(s)一般药

crude herb moxibustion天灸

death’s herb颠茄叶(中药)

decoct medicinal herbs煎药;熬药

gather medicinal herbs采药

grind the medicinal herbs into fine powder乳细

herb beer草药制的饮料

herb cupping药罐

herb extract凉茶精

herb paste药膏

herb tea(草药煎的)汤药

herbs warm and hot in nature温热药

herb water(草药煎的)汤药

incompatibility in the nineteen medicinal herbs十九畏

medicinal herbs草药

rinse herbs洗药;漂药

roast the medicinal herbs煨药

steam the medicinal herbs蒸药

techniques of processing herbs治削

the herb for nourishing滋补药

the herb for relieving external syndrome解表药

the herb for tranquilization安神药

the herbs of cold and cool nature寒凉药

the herbs with astringent and subsiding function具有收敛,沉降作用的中药

the herbs with dispersing,ascending and floating function具有发散,升浮作用的中药

the herbs with sour,bitter and salty flavours味酸苦、咸的中药

wash the medicinal herbs洗药

This medicinal herb helps a cough.这种草药治咳嗽。

The herb can be boiled separately.这味草药可以单煎。

Jt is better to soak the herbs first and make the herbs soaked through.先将草药浸泡一下为好,以浸透为度。
