
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:51:09

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第951页(4760字)




an impairment of the yang principle阳气虚弱

an impairment of yin阴伤

belong to impairment of the liver due to heat(证)属邪热伤肝

cause impairment to…使…伤耗;引起…的损耗

cause impairment to both yin and blood伤阴耗血

impairment of the spleen-qi and stomach-qi脾胃之气受损

diseases and impairment of man人类的疾病和损伤

five kinds of impairments caused by overstrain五劳所伤

impairment by overeating伤食

impairment of the blood血亏

impairment of the body fluids due to lungheat肺热伤津

impairment of both qi and the body fluid气津两伤

impairment of Chong and Ren channels冲任损伤

impairment of hepatic essence and qi肝脏精气败露

impairment of one’s bodily vigor体力衰弱

impairment of mentality伤感

impairment of the muscles and tendons by heat热伤筋脉

impairment of the spleen and the stomach subtype脾胃受损型

impairment of prolonged illness久病耗伤

impairment of purifying and descending function of the lung肺失清肃

impairment of ai气亏

impairment of qi and the blood气血亏损

impairment of qi and yin caused by summer heat暑伤气阴

impairment of the spleen caused by overstrain脾劳

impairment of the body形伤

impairment of thebody fluid by excessive heat热伤津液

impairment of the body fluid by intense heat热盛伤津

impairment of the constitution伤形

impairment of the essence and qi of the kidney肾脏精气虚弱

impairment of the heart伤心

impairment of the kidney伤肾

impairment of the liver伤肝

impairment of the liver-qi损伤肝气

impairment of the lung伤肺

impairment of the lung-qi耗伤肺气

impairment of the pain疼痛的减轻

impairment of the renal qi肾气衰退

impairment of the spleen伤脾

impairment of the spleen-qi脾气受伤

impairment of the spleen-yang损伤脾阳

impairment of the stomach by intake of cold milk伤冷乳

impairment of the urinary bladder functions膀胱功能衰退

impairment of the visceral-qi损伤脏气

impairment of yang伤阳

impairment of yang due to prolonged illness久病伤阳

impairment of yin伤阴

impairment of yin by excessive heat热盛伤阴

impairment of the yin essence of the liver and kidney肝肾阴精亏损

impairment of yin by blood-heat血热伤阴

impairment of yin by excessive heat热盛伤阴

motor impairment屈伸不利;不遂;运动损伤

motor impairment of the fingers手指不能屈伸

motor impairment of the shoulder and arm肩臂不遂

motor impairment of the upper extremities上肢不遂

muscular atrophy and motor impairment of the foot足缓不收

pain and motor impairment of the elbow and arm肘臂痛不能屈伸

physical dnd mental diseases and impairments of man人类肉体和精神方面的疾病和损伤

serious impairment of……的严重亏损

serious impairment of the kidney-yin肾阴严重亏损

seven kinds of impairments七伤;七损

seven kinds of impairment and eight kinds of benefits七损八益

seven kinds of impairment caused by five overstrains五劳七伤

the consequent impairment of the body fluid and blood耗伤津血

various impairments due to deficiencies诸虚百损

The drug is liable to cauge impairment to both yin and blood.这种药易伤阴耗血。

Prolonged illness of cough and dyspnea leads to the impairment of the lung-qi.久病咳喘,耗伤肺气.

An impairment of the yang principle leads to the dissipation of the yin-essence.阳气伤损导致阴精亦亏。

It pertains to impairment of yin by excessive heat.舌红绛而薄,属热盛伤阴。

Cold syndrome may be caused by impairment of yang due to prolonged illness.寒证可由久病伤阳所致。

Hollow pulse may also indicate impairment of yin.芤脉亦主伤阴。
