出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第987页(9734字)
amenorrhea due to the kidney deficiency肾虚经闭
artificial kidney人工肾脏
asthenia of the kidney肾亏
asthma due to the kidney asthenia肾哮
atrophic kidney萎缩肾
childhood malnutrition with the kidney syndrome肾疳;小儿疳证
cough due to disorder of the kidney肾咳
deficiency of the kidney essence肾精不足
deficiency of the kidney-yin肾阴虚
definites kidney后肾
diabetes involving the kidney肾消
diuresis through warming the kidney温肾利水
dizziness due to the kidney insufficiency肾虚眩晕
edema due to the kidney insufficiency肾虚水泛
embryonic kidney中肾(胚肾)
emission due to the kidney deficiency肾虚遗精
enuresis due to the kidney insufficiency肾虚遗尿
excess of the kidney fire肾火旺
excess of the kidney yang肾阳亢
failure of the kidney in receiving qi肾不纳气
failure of the kidney in storing the genital essence肾精不藏
flaccidity caused by the disorder of the kidney肾痿
flaming of the kidney fire肾火偏亢
flaring up of the kidney fire肾火蒸腾
head kidney前肾
headache due to disorder of the kidney肾厥头痛
help build kidneys补肾
house of the kidney肾府
impairment of the kidney caused by overstrain肾劳
impairment of the yin essence of the liver and the kidney肝肾阴精亏损
impotence due to the kidney deficiency肾虚阳萎
infantile malnutrition due to heat of the kidney channel肾疳
insufficiency of the kidney yang肾阳虚
invigorate the kidney yang壮肾阳
kidney asthenia肾虚
kidney essence肾精
kidney deficiency肾虚
kidney failure肾竭
kidney fire肾火
kidney fluid肾水
kidney function test肾功能试验
kidney injury肾脏损伤
kidney puncture肾脏穿刺
kidney stone肾结石
kidney trouble肾病
kidney transplant肾移植
kidney vetch疗伤绒毛花
kidney yang deficiency肾阳虚衰
kidney yin consumed by sthenic heart-fire下汲肾阴
lumbago due to the kidney deficiency肾虚腰疼
The lumbago is due to the kidney deficiency.肾虚而腰疼。
medicines which have the function of reinforcing the vital energy or essence of the kidney补肾药
mildly reinforce the kidney yang温补肾阳
mutual promotion of the lung and kidney肺肾相生
nourish kidney滋肾
nourish the liver and kidney滋养肝肾
obstruction of the Kidney Channel肾痹
primordial qi of the kidney肾元
qi stored between the kidneys肾间动气
reinforce the kidney固肾
reinforce the kidney and control nocturnal emission固肾涩精
reinforce the kidney to hold qi固肾纳气
residence of the kidney肾之府
restore normal coordination between the heart and the kidney交通心肾
sterility due to the kidney deficiency肾虚不孕
shortness of breath due to the kidney deficiency肾喘
strengthen the kidney固肾
strengthen the kidney and preserve the semen固肾涩精
syndrome due to the stagnation of cold-wetness evil in the kidney肾着
the ascending of the kidney肾上承
the energy stored in the place between the two kidneys肾间动气
the floating kidney浮游肾
the impairment of the liver and the kidney肝肾亏损
the kidney being adverse to dryness肾恶燥
The kidney is adverse to dryness.肾恶燥。
the Kidney Channel肾经
the kidney being the origin of congenital constitution肾为先天之本
The kidney is the origin of congenital constitution.肾为先天之本。
the Kidney Channel of foot-Shaoyin足少阴肾经
the kidney distension肾胀
the kidney essence肾精
the Kidney Shu肾俞(穴位)
The kidney governs reception of air.肾主纳气。
The kidney stores the reproductive essence.肾藏精。
The kidney stores the essence of life.肾藏精。
the kidney type diarrhea肾泄
the kidney yin fluid肾水
the left kidney and the right vital organ左肾右命(门)
the primitive kidney原肾
the vital essence of the kidney肾之精
the will stored in the kidney肾藏志
threatened abortion due to the kidney deficiency肾虚滑胎
treat the lung and the kidney simultaneously肺肾同治
warm the kidney温肾
warm the kidney to invigorate yang温肾壮阳
warm the kidney to promote diuresis温肾利水
warm the kidney to reinforce its vital function温肾助阳
yin deficiencies of the heart and the kidney心肾阴虚
The kidney stores the will.肾藏志。
The will is stored in the kidney.肾藏志。
The kidney dominates reproduction.肾主生殖。
The kidney is related to the function of inspiration.肾与吸气功能有关。
The kidney is related to the ears.肾主耳。
The kidney has its specific orifice in the ear.肾开窍于耳。
The anus and the urethra are orifices to the kidney.肾开窍于二阴。
The kidney controls the two private parts(the urethra and the anus).肾司二阴。
The kidney is one of the five parenchymatous viscera.肾是五脏之一。
The liver and the kidney have the same origin.肝肾同源。
The kidney is concerned with the bone.肾主骨。
The kidney controls the bone.肾主骨。
The kidney stores the substance nourishing the bone marrow.肾藏骨髓之气。
The kidney produces the bone marrow.肾生骨髓。
The kidhey nourishes the bone marrow.肾生骨髓。
The kidney is connected with the bladder.肾合膀胱。
The kidney is concerned with water metabolism.肾主永。
The kidney and the bladder share a paired relationship.肾与膀胱相表里。
The kidney is a water viscus.肾为水脏。
The kidney matches the water.肾属水。
The kidney controls opening and closing.肾司开阖。
The kidney is in charge of discharge and retention.肾主开阖。
The kidney loathes dryness.肾恶燥。
The essence and energy of the kidney are reflected on the hair.肾,其华在发。
The kidney is reflected on the hair.肾,其华在发。
The disorder of the kidney may cause fright.肾主恐。
The kidney is concerned with fear.肾主恐。
The kidney serves as a gate of the stomach.肾者胃之关。
The kidney is responsible for the preservation of energy and essence.肾者,封藏之本。
The kidney rules over the heart.肾为心之主。
The kidney is the congenital foundation.肾为先天之本。
The kidney rules over the innateness.肾主先天。
The kidney absorbs gases.肾主纳气。
When diseases of all the viscera are too severe,they are certain to involve the kidney.五脏之病,穷必及肾。
The heart and the kidney coordinate with each other.心肾相交。
The kidney is,like the official managing hard work.肾,作强之官。
The kidney is related to strength.肾者,作强之官。
The kidney controls ability and cleverness.肾主伎巧。
The yin deficiency of the liver and the kidney leads to hyperactivity of the liver-yang.肝肾阴虚,不能潜阳。
The functional activities of qi of the lung,the spleen and the kidney are normal.肺、脾、肾三脏的气化功能正常。
Salty taste in the mouth is present in the kidney disease and in cold syndrome as well.口咸见于肾病,亦见于寒证。
The kidney has a desire for salty flavour.肾欲咸。
The heart,brain,and kidney compromised with the presentation of relevant clinical manifestations.心、脑、肾合并出现相应的各种临床表现。
The kidney matches winter.肾主冬。
The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin is one of the twelve regular channels.足少阴肾经是十二经之一。
The spittle is derived from the kidney.肾为唾。
The kidney is the base of Zang-organs,Fuorgans,yin and yang.肾为脏腑阴阳之根。
The debility of the kidney may cause yawning and sneezing.肾为欠,为嚏。