出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1023页(13493字)
a blood tonic for the lung益肺气
act on the Lung Channel归肺经
a disease of the lungs肺部疾病
air in the lung肺气(呼吸之气)
a lobe of the lung肺叶
an iron lung铁肺;人工呼吸器
asthenia of the lung肺弱
astringe the lung敛肺
astringe the lungs and relieve cough敛肺止咳
attack of wind-cold on the lung风寒袭肺
attack of wind-heat on the lung风热犯肺
aversion of the lungs to cold肺恶寒
carcinoma of the lungs(或lung cancer)肺癌
clear the lungs and moisten the dryness轻宣润燥
convergence of vessels in the lung肺朝百脉
cough due to blood stasis in the lung肺瘀血咳
cough due to lung deficiency肺虚咳喘
cough or dyspnea due to impaired dispersion of the lung-qi肺气失宣的咳喘
deficiency of both the spleen and lungs脾肺两虚
deficiency of essence of the lung肺阴虚
deficiency of the fluids in the lung and stomach肺胃津液亏损
deficiency syndrome of the lung肺虚证
diabetes involving the lung肺消
dry lungs肺燥
dry lungs due to deficient yin阴虚肺燥
dryness of the lungs肺燥
dyspnea and cough in lung affections肺闭喘咳
epilepsy due to deficiency of the lung肺痫
excessive fire of the lung肺火旺
excess syndrome of the lung肺实
failure of the lung to distribute liquid essence肺津不布
failure of the lung to distribute vital essence to all parts of the body肺津不布
The lung fails to distribute essence to all parts of the body.肺津不布。
gangrene of the lungs肺坏疽
get the lung-qi facilitated使肺气得宣
impairment of the lung caused by over-strain肺劳(五劳之一)
the five asthenic syndromes)impairment of the lung caused by stagnation of qi气郁伤肺
Impairment of the lung is caused by stagnation of qi.气郁伤肺。
injury to blood vessels of the lung by heat热伤肺胳
The blood vessels of the lung are injured by heat.热伤肺胳。
injury to the lungs by dry qi燥气伤肺
invade the lung束肺
invasion of the lung by wind-heat风热犯肺证
invasion of the lungs by pathogenic warm factor温邪犯肺
invigorate the spleen to benefit the lung补脾益肺
lung abscess肺脓疡
lung abscess(suppurative infections of the lungs)肺痈
lung disease肺病
lung distension肺胀
lung distension and fullness肺胀满
lung-energy stagnation syndrome肺痹
lung fluke肺吸虫
lung infarction肺梗塞形成
lung qi肺气
lung sac肺囊
lung trouble肺病
lungs scorched by heat肺热叶焦
moisten the lung润肺
moisten the lung and resolve the phlegm润肺(燥)化痰
moisten the lungs and eliminate the phlegm润肺化痰
moisturize the lung润肺
mutual promotion between the lung and the kidney肺肾相生
nourish the lung润肺;养肺
nourish the lung and preserve its yin essence润肺养阴
Nourishing the lung arrests cough.润肺止咳。
nourish the lung to arrest cough润肺止咳
nourish the lung to keep the adverse qi downward润肺下气
Nourishing the lung keeps the adverse qi downward.润肺下气。
nourish the lung to loosen bowel润肺滑肠
Nourishing the lung loosens bowel.润肺滑肠。
obstruction of the lung qi肺气不宣
open the inhibited lung qi by moisturizing dryness-heat润燥轻宣
open the inhibited lung qi with drugs of mild action轻宣肺气
porta of the lung肺门
promote the functional activity of the lung开肺
promote the dispersing function of the lung宣肺(白)
promote the lung′s respiratory activities促进肺的呼吸运动
purge the lung泻肺
regulate the lung理肺
regulatory functions of the lungs肺主治节
soul stored in the lung肺藏魄
sound the lungs听诊肺音
stagnation of phlegm in the lung痰浊阻肺
strengthen the lung固金
suppurative infections of the lungs肺痈
take lung trouble for example以肺病为例
the blood of the lung肺血
the disorder of the lung肺部不正常
the deficient lung syndrome肺虚证
the essence and qi of the lung and stomach肺胃精气
the excess lung syndromes肺实证
the inflammation of lung肺部发炎
the lowering function of the lung肺的肃降功能
the Lung Channel肺经
the Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin手太阴肺经
the lung damaged by dryness-evil燥气伤肺
The lung is damaged by dryness-evil.燥气伤肺。
the lung pulse(s)肺脉
the lung’s function of activating the flow of qi,food essence and body fluid肺宣发气血精津的功能
the lung’s function of descending肺的肃降
the lung’s function of dispersing肺的宣发
the material structure of the lung肺的物质结构
the physiological function of the lung肺的生理功能
the qi of the lung肺气
the scorched lung肺热叶焦
the yang of the lung肺阳
tonify the spleen to help the lungs补脾益肺
treat a long standing cough and weakness of the lung治疗久咳肺虚
treat deficiency syndrome of the lung治肺虚
treat the lung(metal)to subdue hyperactivty of the liver(wood)佐金平木
ventilate the lung and resolve phlegm宣肺化痰
warm the lung温肺
warm the lung and reduce phlegm温肺化痰
warm the lung to eliminate sputum温肺祛痰
warm the lung to reduce watery phlegm温肺化饮
water and cold affecting the lungs水寒射肺
Water and cold affect the lungs.水寒射肺。
weakness of both the lungs and the kidney肺肾两虚
wind-cold pathogens tightening the lung风寒束肺证
Wind-cold pathogens tighten the lung.风寒束肺。
He has good lungs.他的肺部健康。
The lung governs qi.肺主气。
Wind-heat invades the lung.风热犯肺。
The lung is invaded by wind-heat.风热犯肺。
The lung is invaded by pathogenic damp factor.湿邪犯肺。
Pathogenic damp factor invades the lung.湿邪犯肺。
The lung produces voice.肺主声。
The lung stores the soul.肺藏魄。
The air moves to the lung.气通于肺。
The lung stores the spirit.肺藏魄
The phlegm obstructs the lungs.痰阻肺络。
The lung is concerned with air.肺主气。
The lung is a delicate organ.肺为娇脏。
The lung is a tender organ.肺为娇脏。
The lung is a delicate viscus.肺为娇脏。
The soul is stored in the lung.肺藏魄。
If the lung’s qi fails to descend….肺失肃降…。
The lung itself is damaged by dryness-heat.燥热伤肺。
The lung is the roof of a carriage.肺为华盖。
The body fluid in the lungs is burned.肺津受灼。
Wind and cold restrict the lung风寒束肺。
The lungs are the source of fluids.肺为水之源。
Phlegm and cold obstruct the lung.寒痰阻肺。
Some poison gases are lung injurant.有些毒气对肺有害。
The lung is associated with the skin.肺主皮毛。
The lung is in charge of the skin.肺主皮毛。
The lung is in charge of respiration.肺司呼吸。
The lung loses its clearing action.肺失清肃。
The lung has its specific orifice in the nose.肺开窍于鼻。
The nose is as the window of the lung.肺开窍于鼻。
The nose is the opening for the lungs.肺开窍开鼻。
The lungs have their aperture in the nose.肺,开窍于鼻。
All the blood vessels meet in the lungs.肺朝百脉。
The lung is related to the skin and hair.肺合皮毛。
The phlegm and heat obstruct the lungs.痰热阻肺。
The lung is one of the five zang-organs.肺是五脏之一。
Lung trouble results from heart trouble.心(火)病影响而致肺(金)病。
Pathogenic heat factor obstructs the lungs.热邪阻肺。
Failure of the lungs to distribute liquid essence.肺津不布。
The lung is one of the Five Parenchymatous Viscera.肺是五脏之一。
The lung is concerned with the flow of fluids.肺主通调水道。
The lung performs the function of respiration.肺司呼吸。
The lung reflects its brilliance on the hair.肺,其华在毛。
Blood flow of the whole body converges in the lung.肺朝百脉。
The lung helps maintain normal water metabolism.肺主行水。
The lungs are associated with the large intestine.肺合大肠。
The lung has the function of dredging water passages.肺通调水道。
The lung is in charge of sending down the inspired air.肺主降气。
The lung is within the chest,lying in the upper warmer.肺居胸中,位于上焦。
The lung pulse is usually as soft and light as the hair.肺脉毛。
The lung takes part in the forming of pectoral energy.肺与“宗气”的生成有关。
The lung is injured by pathogenic dry and heat factors.燥热伤肺。
The lung is concerned with purification and descendance.肺主肃降。
A patient suffers from lung diseases,tenderness in the point of zhongfu.病人患肺病,中府穴有压痛。
The lung has the function to control the qi of the human body.肺有主持人体之气的功能。
The lung is averse to cold and vulnerable tothe attack of cold.肺恶寒。
The lung and the large intestine are interiorexteriorly related.肺合大肠(肺与大肠相表里)。
The lung(metal)dredges the water passages to help the kidney(water).肺(金)通调水道以助肾(水)。
The main functions of the lung are to govern the discharge and letting out.肺主宣发。
The main functions of the lung are to dominate qi and control respiration.肺主气,司呼吸。
The lung and large intestine form a relationship of exterior and interior.肺与大肠为表里。
The lung governs the purifying and lowering functions and clear and regulate water passage.肺主肃降,通调水道。
Chest pain often occurs to pathological changes of the heart and the lung.胸痛多见于心肺病变。
The lungs have the function of regulating the body fluid and blood circulation.肺对体液和血液循环有调节作用。
The Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin pertains to the lung,while linking to the large intestine.手太阴肺经属肺络大肠。
The lung(metal)disperses and descends so as to restrain the exuberance of the liver(wood).肺(金)清肃下降可抑制肝(木)上亢。
Cough due to exopathic factors is seen in the syndromes of wind-cold pathogen invading the lung.外感咳嗽可见于风寒束肺。
Deficiency of essence of the lung is caused by internal asthenic heat due to deficiency of the lung-yin.肺阴虚为肺阴亏虚,虚热内生引起。
The Large Intestine Channel of HandYangming links to the lung.手阳明大肠经络肺。
If a patient suffers from lung diseases,spme knots can be felt on the back-shu point of the lung.如病人患肺病,可在肺俞摸到结节。
Dry lungs refer to the pathologic manifestations of injured lungs as caused by the pathogenic dry factor.肺燥指燥邪伤肺的病理现象。
The main symptoms of dry lungs are the same as those of“Injury of the Lungs by Dry Qi”.肺燥主要症状同“燥气伤肺”。
Failure of Lungs to Distribute Liquid Essence refers to the pathology of which the lungs can not normally distribute the liquid esssence to all parts of the body.肺津不布,指肺不能正常输布津液至全身的病理现象。