
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:20:02

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1031页(6302字)




(be)made into decoction制成汤剂

(be)made into pill制成丸剂

(be)made into tincture制成酊剂

(be)made known公开;知晓

(be)made light of被轻视

make a contribution to…对…做贡献

make a demand on(upon)…向…提出要求

make a diagnosis做出诊断

make a difference有区别

make a distinction between…and…区别…与…

make after追逐,跟随

make against和…相违反;不利于,有害于

make a great effort to do sth努力作…;使劲作…

make a house call出诊

make an analysis of…对…做分析

make an effort to…使劲…;努力…

make an examination of…检查

make a note of…记录

make a round of…转…一周

make as if(as though)假装,装作

make at攻击,扑向

make away with…偷去;除去;吃掉;杀死

make believe假装

make certain of把…弄确凿

make doses制药剂

make expectoration easy祛痰

make for…去向;有助于;导致

make into…把…制成…;使转变为

make it规定时间;办成功;赶到

make it easy(difficult)to…使…易(难)于…

make it possible to…使…成为可能


make light of…轻视

make mention of…提及

make much(little)of…重(轻)视…

make no(little)difference无关重要

make off(匆忙)逃走

make off with偷走

make one’s rounds of…巡视;查视

make one’s way out of…从…离开

make out辨别,断定;理解;书写,填写;证明;把…说成;完成;设法应付;自称,声称

make out of用…制造;了解

make over改变,改造;转让

make pills with water水泛为丸

make progress有进步

make proper prescription采用适当的方药

make(a)recovery from…(从…病中)痊愈

make sure保证

make the drugs into boluses制药为丸

make the rounds of…巡视,巡诊

make through with…完成

make up配好

make up for补偿…;弥补…

make up one’s mind决定;打定主意

make use of使用…,利用…

make water排尿

make with extra care精制

After the treatment the patient was seenmaking rapid progress.治疗以后,病人状况迅速好转。

Calcium makes up from 15 to 18 per cent of the weight of fresh osseous tissue.钙占新鲜骨组织重的15%~18%。

Capsules make the madicine easier to swallow.胶囊会使这种药好吞一些。

Chinese medicine and pharmacology are a great treasurehouse,and efforts should be made to explore them and raise them to a higher level.中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,应该努力发掘,并加以提高。

Constant care may make up for many congenital deficiencies.经常注意健康,可弥补许多先天的缺陷。

Drugs can be made clean and pure after processing.炮制后药物清洁纯净。

Early rising often makes for better health.早起有助于身体健康。

He has made recovery from a prolonged tuberculosis.他久患结核之后,已经痊愈。

In the treatment of malaria,one must make a distinction between the immunes and the non-immunes.治疗疟疾时,必须区分免疫病人与非免疫病人。

In the“Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine”,mention is made of the use of stone needles in treatment of various diseases.《黄帝内经》提到了运用砭针治疗各种疾病。

Nurses should make a note of the frequency of micturition and the quantities of urine voided.护士应该记录小便次数和每次的排尿量。

Such symptoms should not be made light of.不应该轻视这样的症状。

The doctor make a thorough examination of his right lung.医生彻底地检查了他的右肺。

The food we eat is made into a pulp called chyme.我们吃的食物变成叫做乳糜的桨状物质。

The medicine makes the spleen earth warm and the gate of life fire sufficient.本药可使命门火足,脾土得温。

The medicine makes up the patient from inconsciousness by eliminating phlegm.本药可去痰醒脑。

The nodules can be made out on firm palpation.这种结节,用力触诊能发现。

The patient has made a quick recovery.病人迅速痊愈。

The patient has not yet made up his mind whether to have an operation or not.病人还没有打定主意是否做手术。

The patient hasn’t made water for twelve hours already.病人已经12小时没有排尿。

The patient often has to make a great effort to cough up the sputum.病人常常使劲地咳痰。

The patient should make an effort to walk in order to train the muscles.病人要多走步,可训练腿部肌肉。

The pharmacist soon made up the prescription.药剂师很快把处方配好。

The physician makes his rounds of the wards every morning.医生每天上午查房。

The picture of meridians makes even clearer the trends,coniunctions and interrelation of the various channels.本经络图使各条经脉的走向、连接和相互关系更加清楚。

The principles of treatment in TCM are made out under the guidance of the concept of wholism and differentiation and treatment.中医的治则是在整体观念和辨证论治的精神指导下制定的。

The results of the analyses will be made known in two days.化验结果二天以后报告。

The workers are making donkey-hide gelatin.工人们在制作阿胶。

This drug is made from a Chinese herb“Ephedra”.本药由中草药麻黄制成。

This medicine is made from the best selected refined herbs and drugs,and is made through latest scientific process.本药系精选珍贵中药药材用最新科学方法制成。

To make sure of a cure,the stools and urine should be regularly examined.为确保治好病,应该经常检查病人的大小便。

You should make sure the patient takes the medicine in the manner prescribed.应该让病人按规定的方法服药。

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