出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1052页(5149字)
abnormal menstruation月经不调
absence of menstruation月经不潮
advanced menstruation月经提前
annual menstruation避年
anovular menstruation无卵性行经
bimonthly menstruation并月
bloody stools during menstruation经行便血
bodily pain during menstruation经行身痛
ceasing of menstruation停经
climacteric menstruation更年期月经
continuous menstruation淋漓不断
delayed menstruation初经延迟
delayed menstruation due to attack of pathogenic cold on the uterus during menstruation of delivery经产之时,寒邪侵入胞宫,以致血寒经行后期
delirium during menstruation经来狂言谵语
diarrhea during menstruation经行泄泻
difficult menstruation月经困难
disturbance of menstruation月经紊乱
edema during menstruation经来浮肿
epistasis and hematemesis after menstruation经后吐衄
excessive menstruation月经过多
fever during menstruation经来发热;经行发热
general aching during menstruation经行身痛
hemafecia during menstruation经行便血
hematemesis during menstruation经行吐血
impeded circulation of menstruation经血运行不畅
induce menstruation通经
induce menstruation to relieve menalgia通经止痛
infrequent menstruation月经稀少
irregular menstruation月经不调
late menstruation月经后期
latent menstruation暗经
mania during menstruation经来发狂
menstruation ahead of the time月经先期
menstruation arriving prior to due date because of stagnation of the liver-qi肝郁经行先期
menstruation occuring来潮
normalize menstruation by adjusting the flow of qi and the blood和血调经
occult menstruation暗经
painful menstruation痛经
precocious menstruation月经过早
profuse menstruation月经量多
prolonged menstruation经期长
promoting the blood flow to regulate menstruation活血调经
quarterly menstruation季经
regular menstruation经期正常
regular menstruation during pregnancy激经
regulate abnormal menstruation调理月经
regurgitant menstruation经行衄血
retarded menstruation月经错后
retarded menstruation due to blood-cold血寒经行后期
retrograde menstruation经行衄血;倒经
scanty menstruation月经过少
seasonal menstruation居经
stimulated menstruation激经
suppressed menstruation经闭
vicarious menstruation倒经
vomiting associated with menstruation经来呕吐
vomiting during menstruation经来呕吐
Annual menstruation is the menstruation that occurs only once a year in a healthy woman.避年指无病妇女每年只来潮一次的月经。
Bimonthly menstruation is the menstruation that occurs every other month in a healthy woamn.并月指无病妇女每两月来潮一次之月经。
How frequently does your menstruation occur?你月经多少天来一次?
How many days does the menstruation last?你月经多少天干净?
How many days has it been since your last menstruation cleared off?你的月经干净几天了?
How old were you when your first menstruation occurred?第一次来月经你多大年龄?
My menstruation was delayed for some time.我的月经后拖了。
My volune of menstruation is too much.我的月经量很多。
Occult menstruation is an absence of menstruation for life or monthly occurences of lower back ache with no menstrual flow in a healthy and fertile woman.暗经指无病妇女,终生不行经,或每月届期却有腰酸之感,但却能受孕。
One’s menstruation occurs too frequently…月经来得频。
Quarterly menstruation is the menstruation that occurs once every 3 months in a healthy woman.季经指无病妇女每三月来潮一次之月经。
Stimulated menstruation is a physiological phenomenon that menstruation occurs regularly every month during pregnancy without obvious adverse effect on the pregnant woman and the fetus.激经指怀孕后,仍按月来潮,对孕妇,胎儿并无明显损害的生理现象。
TCM is very effective in regulating abnormal menstruation.中医调理月经很有效果。
Was your menstruation regular before?你以前月经正常吗?
When was your last menstruation?你最后一次来潮是什么时候?
Your trouble is profuse menstruation caused by the deficiency of qi.你是气虚所致的月经过多。