出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1053页(3367字)
Ⅰ a.①精神的;精神病的②智力的,脑力的Ⅱ n.①精神病②精神病患者
ease mental anxiety清心安神
excessive mental labour劳神过度
exhaustion of mental power谵妄
long-term mental stress长期精神紧张
mental aberration精神迷乱
mental activity神明;精神活动
mental age智力年龄
mental balance心理平衡
mental care精神调护
mental case精神病例(患者)
mental confusion神昏;精神错乱
mental confusion due to phlegm痰迷心窍
mental deficiency智力缺陷
mental depression精神抑郁;精神不宁
mental derangement精神失调;神不守舍
mental deterioration精神颓废
mental disease精神病
mental diseases and impairments of man人类精神上的疾病和损伤
mental disequilibrium心理平衡失调
mental disorder癫狂
mental disorder due to heat热伤神明
mental disorder due to the stagnation of phlegm痰闭;痰浊内闭
mental distress精神苦闷
mental disturbance精神障碍
mental disturbance and restlessness心神不安
mental disturbance with incoherence神志不清
mental energy脑力
mental excitation精神兴奋
mental exhaustion精神疲惫
mental faculties智力
mental faculties in quiescent state谷神(在虚极静笃情况下的智能)
mental fatigue精神疲惫;似睡非睡
mental healing心理治疗
mental hospital(或home,asylum)精神病院
mental hygiene精神卫生
mental illness精神疾病
mental institution精神病院
mental irritation精神刺激
mental outlook精神面貌
mental overstrain劳神过度
mental power精神;神气;脑力
mental relaxation and tranquilization精神松静
mental self-regulation自我精神调摄
mental specialist精神病医生
mental state精神状态
mental strain精神过于疲劳;心理紧张
mental symptom精神症状
mental tension精神紧张
mental weakness精神衰弱
mental weariness and poor appetite神疲食少
observation of mental state and facial expression望精神
observe patient’s mental state望神
physical and mental self-exercise身心自我锻炼
regulate vital energy and alleviate mental depression理气开郁
relieve mental strain安神宁心
restore mental power恢复脑力
specific mental activities特定的意念活动
the house of mental activity元神之府
Heart disturbed by phlegm-fire means mental disturbance due to accumulation of phlegm-fire in the heart.痰火扰心症,是痰火互结,扰乱心神。
Mental irritation causes depression of qi.精神刺激造成气郁不舒。
The blood is the material basis for mental activity.血是神志活动的基础。