
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:58:04

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1148页(1461字)


Ⅰ v.按、压Ⅱ n.压榨机,压制机

finger-press method指压法

press a certain channel point with fingers用手指按压某经络穴位

press and knead the navel按压肚脐

press hard重按;重压

pressing maneuver按法

pressing-gripping the five fingers理五指

press into tablets压制成片剂

press the coccyx按尾间

press the drug into tablets把药压制成片

press the ear and direct qi按耳运气

press the ear points按压耳珠

press the needle hole按压针孔

press the seeds repeatedly反复按压

tablet press压片机

thumb-index finger pressing method拇食指压手法

Continuous pain aggravated by pressing pertains to excess syndrome.痛无休止,按之痛剧者,属实证。

Deep pulse is distinct by pressing hard.沉脉重按才得。

To press the fingers lightly on the pulse is called“touching”,also known as superficially taken or light taken.用轻指力按取脉叫“举”,又叫浮取或轻取。

Pressing maneuver is to press the acupuncture point with a certain amount of pressure in different directions by the fingers or palm.按法是用手指或手掌在穴位上向不同方向施加一定压力。

The macule is red and its colour is not changed when being pressed.该斑为红色,压之亦不褪色。
