
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 23:05:26

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1173页(2092字)


Ⅰ v.泻,催泻Ⅱ n.泻药,泻剂

purge away excessive fluid攻逐水饮

purge away internal stasis of heat内泻热结

purge away the ministerial fire泻相火

purge fire泻火;降火

purge heat泻热

purge heat and relieve pain泄热止痛

purge intense heat泻火

purge liver-heat泻肝

purge pathogenic fire泻火

purge stagnation from the spleen泻脾土之雍滞

purge stomach-fire泻胃火;泻心

purge the adverse flow of qi降逆

purge the bowels to remove heat泻热通便

purge the excess实则泻之

purge the fullness of the middle heater中满者泻之

purge the heart of pathogenic fire泻心火

purge the heat accumulated in the lung泻肺(白)

purge the liver of pathogenic fire and relieve depression泻肝解郁

purge the lung of pathogenic fire泻肺(白)

purge the lungs泻肺

purge the retention of gastrointestinal dryness and heat泻肠胃之燥热积滞

purge the stagnant gold金郁泄之

replenish what is insufficient and purge what is excessive益其不足,损其有余

In an excess,purge the son.实则泻其子。

Most of the cool or cold-natured drugs have the effect of purging fire.寒凉药多具有泻火作用。

Nourishing the essence and purging the fire should be the chief measures taken in treating diseases.治疗疾病应以养阴降火为主。

Purging the heat accumulated in the lung is a therapeutic method of using medicines bitter in taste and cold inproperty to remove accumulated heat from the lung.泻肺是用苦寒清热药物,清泻肺内蕴热的方法。

Purging the liver of pathogenic fire is a therapeutic method of using medicines bitter in taste and cold in property to quench excess fire in the liver.泻肝是用苦寒药物清泄肝火的方法。

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