
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 23:18:00

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1198页(4339字)




invigorate the spleen and relieve depression of the liver-qi健脾疏肝

maintain air or gas moving downward and relieve pain降气定痛

relieve accumulation and clear the hollow viscera导滞通腑

relieve acute alcoholism and activate the spleen解酒醒脾

relieve alcoholism解酒毒

relieve and regulate the chest定胸理气

relieve asthma平喘;定喘

relieve cold pain缓解寒性疼痛

relieve cold pain of a part of the body缓解身体某部的寒性疼痛

relieve constipation通便

relieve constipation by purgation泻下通便

relieve cough止咳

relieve depression of the liver-qi疏肝解郁

relieve distress in the loins and feebleness of the knees主治腰酸腿软

relieve dryness平燥

relieve dryness with the bitter and warm苦温平燥

relieve dryness of the lung清燥救肺

relieve dyspepsia消积化滞

relieve dysentery with astringents涩肠止痢

relieve edema消肿

relieve epigastric distention and reduce the stagnation宽中散结

relieve fever祛火

relieve flatulence消痹;除痹

relieve hiccup止呃

relieve high fever with drugs of sweet flavour and warm nature甘温除大热

relieve inflammation消炎

relieve inflammation to remove nebula消炎退翳

relieve internal heat败火

relieve itching止痒

relieve mental strain安神

relieve muscular spasm镇痉

relieve nature大便;小便

relieve oneself大便;小便

relieve pain止痛

relieve palpitation定悸

relieve restlessness除烦

relieve sb’s arm of pain使某人手臂不痛

relieve sb’s mind使某人解除忧虑

relieve sore-throat利咽

relieve spasm解痉

relieve spasm of uterine smooth muscle缓解子宫平滑肌痉挛

relieve stagnation消除积滞

relieve stress清心寡欲

relieve stuffiness of the chest and reduce mass宽胸散结

relieve summer-heat解暑

relieve superficial affection解表

relieve superficies syndrome by means of diaphoresis发汗解表

relieve swelling and redness of the eye消肿退红(赤)

relieve swelling and stasis消肿化瘀

relieve symptom of dryness润燥

relieve the bowels大便;小便

relieve the chest宽胸;relieve the chest stuffiness宽胸

relieve the cold祛寒

relieve the depressed liver,remove stagnation and promote blood circulation疏肝,解郁,活血

relieve the distension消痞

relieve the distention of the breast消乳痈之肿痛

relieve the exterior解表

relieve the exteriorsyndrome解表

relieve the exterior with the cold pungent辛冷解表

relieve the exterior with the warm pungent辛温解表

relieve the liver-qi疏肝气

relieve the lumbar pain治腰背痛

relieve the muscles and skin解肌

relieve the sensation of fullness除满

relieve the spasm and pain疏筋止痛

relieve the swelling消肿

relieve thirst止渴

relieve tremor解除震颤

relieve uneasiness of the body and mind安神

Aspirin relieves a headache.阿斯匹林减轻头痛。

It will be relieved in summer and aggravated in winter.它夏季将减轻,冬季加重。

The exterior syndrome is not relieved.表证未解。

The injection can relieve pain.注射这一针能止痛。

The medicine relieved my arm of pain.这药使我手臂不疼了。

上一篇:relief 下一篇:remain