
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-18 12:28:24

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1044页(1849字)




a critical case of measles麻疹险证

an improving case of measles麻疹顺证

a severe deteriorating case of measles麻疹逆证

german measles风疹;麻疹

inadequate measles eruption麻疹不透

measles caused by warm-evil温麻

measles complicated by laryngitis and aphonia麻疹失音

measles complicated by pharyngitis麻疹喉痛

measles complicated by pneumonia麻毒陷肺

measles complicated by retention of the evil factors麻疹闭证

measles complicated with keratocon iunctivitis麻毒攻目

measles occuring in an epidemic温麻

measles with dyspnea或measles with dyspnea and whee-zing麻证齁

measles without adequate eruption麻疹闭证;麻疹透发不畅

measles with red and elevated rashes麻出红肿

summer measles夏令麻疹

the eyes affected by measles toxin麻毒攻目

Measles appears first in the site behind the ears,on the hair margins,then expands to the forehead,neck and the trunk,and finally to the limbs.发疹先见于耳后发际,渐及前额、颈部、躯干,然后至四肢。

Measles is a common contagicus disease of children.麻疹为小儿常见的传染病。

Measles is complicated by the invasion of heat evil to ying fen and the blood.麻毒入营血。

Measles is considered to be caused by certain seasonal pathogens.麻疹被认为是由感受时邪而起。

Measles is prevalent in spring and winter.麻疹常流行于冬春二季。

Measles spreads over the whole body within 3 or 4 days.疹发,3~4天出齐。

The eyes are affected by measles toxin.麻毒攻目。

上一篇:lesion 下一篇:maternity1