更新时间:2018-09-18 12:31:04
出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1150页(1126字)
primary abscess原发性脓肿
primary action原始作用
primary adhesion原发性粘连
primary affection原发病
primary amenorrhea原发性闭经
primary anemia原发性贫血
primary anesthesia初期麻醉
primary disease原发病
primary gangrene原发性坏疽
primary hemorrhage原发性出血
primary hypertension原发性高血压
primary infertility原发性不孕
primary manipulating actions基本手法动作
primary pleurish原发性胸膜炎
primary pustule原发性脓疮
primary shock原发性休克
the primary teeth乳牙
The genuine qi is the primary.正气为本。
The etiology is the primary.病因为本。
Treat the primary cause of a disease on nonmenstrual days,while treat the manifestation of the disease during menstrual period.经期治标,平时治本。