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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 08:22:59

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第11页(732字)



①认为,视为〔The new process was accounted of little value in cutting costs.新程序在削减费用上被视为没有多大价值。

〕②报帐〔He had to account to his father for every penny he spent.他所花的每一个便士都得向父亲报帐。〕③解释,说明〔How do you account for the sudden drop in prices?你如何解释这次物价突跌?〕④杀死,击落,解决〔He accounted for five of the enemy.他杀死了5个敌人。〕‖ n.①帐目,帐②重要性,考虑〔a thing of small account一件无足轻重的东西〕③解释,说明〔No satisfactory account of their failure has been given.他们没有为他们的失败做出令人满意的解释。〕④报告,叙述〔This is the account of their travels.这就是他们的旅行报告。

〕/call to account责问;对…进行清算/on account偿还部分帐款〔He received the radio by paying five dollars on account.他接收这台收音机是先付5美元作为部分付款。〕/on account of因为/on no account决不/take into account,take account of考虑,重视/turn to account利用

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