出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第119页(675字)
①在…之间(时间或位置)〔a lake between the U.S.and Canada位于美国和加拿大之间的一个湖office hours between one and five o’ clock 1点到5点之间的办公时间a color between blue and green介于蓝色和绿色之间的一种颜色〕②与…间的联系〔the war between the North and the South南北间的战争〕③相连接〔a road between Cleveland and Cbicago连接克利夫兰和芝加哥的一条路a bond between friends友谊的纽带〕④以联合行动;共享[虽然between和among有时可以互换,但前者一般只用于表达两者之间的,后者用于表达两者以上之间]〔Between them they landed the fish.他们联合起来捕鱼。
The men had fifty dollars between them这些男人共享这50块钱。〕⑤两者之间〔You must choose between love and duty.你必须在爱情和责任中做选择。
〕⑥由于…共同作用的结果〔Between work and study,he had no time for play.由于工作和学习,他没有时间玩。
〕/between you and me只限你我之间的秘密/in between①在其间②在中间