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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 10:03:34

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第325页(583字)



①直接的,径直的〔a direct route home径直回家的路〕②直率的,坦白的〔a direct question直率的问题〕③直的〔The wire was in direct contact with the ground.电线直接接触地面。

〕④直系的〔a direct descendant直系子孙〕⑤恰好的;全然的〔the direct opposite正好相反〕⑥直接引述〔a direct quotation直接引语〕‖ v.①管理,支配,指挥,指导〔to direct the building of a bridge指挥桥梁建设;to direct a glee club指挥合唱队;to direct a play导演戏剧〕②命令〔You are directed to appear in court.你被命令出庭。〕③指引,指路〔Will you please direct me to the city hall?你可以指给我去市政厅的路吗?〕④指向;针对…〔His remarks were directed atme.他的话是针对我说的。〕‖ adv.直接地〔Go direct to your house.直接去你家。

〕/directness n.

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