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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 10:27:46

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第486页(564字)



①优美,优雅〔the grace of a statue优美的雕像;to dance with grace优美的舞姿〕②文雅,温雅举止〔She has all the social graces.她具有文雅的社交举止。

〕③情理,明理〔She had the grace to make her visit brief.她明智地做了暂短的访问。〕④宽限〔We have a week of grace to pay the rent.我们还有一周交租金的宽限。〕⑤(饭前饭后的)感恩祷告⑥Grace阁下,夫人(对公爵及夫人和大主教等的尊称)⑦(上帝赐给的)恩典,慈悲⑧(希腊神话中掌管美丽、温雅的)三女神‖ v.使增光彩〔The mayor graced our banquet with his presence.市长的光临给宴会增色。〕②使优美〔Paintings graced the walls.油画使四壁生辉。

〕/fall from grace失宠,堕落,犯罪/in the bad grace of不受喜欢,失宠/in the good grace of受宠爱/with good grace乐于做某事/with bad grace勉强做某事

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