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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 10:42:03

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第604页(680字)



①跳起〔to jump up and touch a branch跳起来触摸树枝〕②跳过,跃过〔The boy jumped the creek.男孩跃过小河。

〕③跳;跃〔He jumped his horse over the fence.他纵跃过栅栏。〕④弹起,上下跳动〔The line jumped when the fish took a bait.当咬钩的时候,鱼线上下跳动。〕⑤惊跳〔She jumped when the door banged shut.当门被砰的一声关上时,她惊跳起来。

〕⑥暴涨,猛增〔The price of milk jumped two cents last week.奶价格上周涨了两分钱。〕⑦匆匆做出;突然变动〔to jump to conclusions匆匆做出结论;to jump to a new subject突然跳到一个新的题目上〕⑧[俚]突然袭击‖ n.①跳跃②一跳的距离〔a jump of ten feet一跳10英尺〕③暴涨④惊跳;震颤⑤跳跃运动〔the hight jump跳高;the broad jump跳远〕/get jump on抢在…之前行动/jump a claim强占别人得到的土地/jump at迫不及待地接受;欣然接受〔She jumped at the chance to go.她迫不及待地找了一个离开的机会。〕/junp the gun过早地行动;信号未发前就开始行动/jumper n.

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