出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第635页(890字)
①光〔Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second.光速是每秒钟186,000英里。
〕②光亮;光线〔the light of a candle烛光;the light of love in her face在她的脸上闪烁着爱的光芒〕③灯〔Turn off the light.关灯。〕④火花;点火物〔a light for a cigarette点烟的火〕⑤见解或见识〔Can you shed light on the problem?你能帮助说明这个问题吗?〕⑥显露或众所周知〔New facts has been brought to light.新的事实被揭露出来。
〕⑦外观;观点〔This report puts you in an unfavorable light.该报导使你处于不利的境地。〕⑧显赫人物〔one of the shining lights of our school我们学校显赫人物之一〕‖adj.①发光的;明亮的〔It was just getting light outside.外边天亮了。
〕②淡色的;白皙的〔a light skin白皙的皮肤〕‖adv.暗淡地;浅色地〔a light green dress一件淡绿色服装〕‖ v.(lit,lighted)①点着;着火〔to light a match划火柴;wood that lights easily易燃木柴〕②点灯〔to light a lamp点灯〕③照亮〔Lamps light the streets.灯照亮了街道。〕④用灯光指引〔The servant lighted their way with a torch.仆人用火把给他们照路。
〕⑤变亮〔Her face lighted up with joy.她脸上喜气洋洋。〕/in the light of,throw light on使某事清楚明白地显示出来/lightness n.