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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:17:55

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第949页(635字)


vi.①跳,投,冲:plunge into water跳入水中.plunge into the struggle投入战斗.②沉,陷:plunge into debt陷入债务中.plunge deeper and deeper愈陷愈深.He plunged deep in thought.他陷入沉思中.③【俚】狂赌,借债.④(船)前进时船首突降入水,()向前猛跑.

-vt.①插入,投进,刺入:plunge a dagger into the enemy’s breast把匕首刺入敌人的胸部.The worker plunged the hot iron into cold water.工人把烧热的铁放入冷水中.The commune members plunged themselves into the struggle to transform nature.社员们投入改造大自然的斗争.②陷入:plunge a country into war使一个国家卷入战争.plunge sb· into meditation使某人沉思.


△take the plunge【喻】采取危险步骤,作有决定性的事.

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