
出处:按学科分类—社会科学总论 中国建材工业出版社《中国文书大典下卷》第2496页(25228字)









(一)合同标题 标题是合同的名称,要写明签订合同的各方名称,属于什么内容的合同。

(二)序言 序言写明签订合同的各方,签订合同的原则、目的、内容等。

(三)实质性条款 这是合同的中心内容,依据协商的内容多少,分条叙述。

(四)最后条款 主要写明合同的签订时间、生效及有效期、地址、电话等内容,有的还要写仲裁规定。

(五)签字 一般由订立合同的各方正式代表签字。














































甲方代表 乙方代表

(本人签名) (本人签名)



The Beij ing Personnel Service Corporation for Diplomatic Missions(hereinafter referred to as Party A)will recommend Chinese citizens to work for the…Embassy in China(hereinafter refer red to as Party B)upon the latter’s request.On the basis of equality and mutual benefit and in the spirit of friendly consultations,agreement on related matters is reached between the two Parties as follows:

1.Party A shall recommend Chimese citizens(including those to be hired by individuals ofParty B from Party A,--the same below)to work for Party B in accordance with the latter’s requirements.Party B shall provide the Chinese employees with the necessary working facilities,dress and articles of labour protection essential to their work(see Annex).

2.Party A shall fix the amount of the monthly service charge rates of the Chinese employees through consultations with Party B on the basis of their professional skills and attitude towards work(see Annex).The service charge rates shall be calculated in US dollars and paid in terms of RMB(FEC).Party B shall,as from January of each year,increase the service charge rates of the Chinese employees progressively.Such increase is to be fixed by Party A and Party B through consultations in the light of the change of prices in Beijing,the rising living standards of Chinese employees and the improvement of their professional skills.

3.Party A shall enjoin from time to time the Chinese employees to endeavor to do a good job,and seek Party B’s opinions and suggestions so as to help ensure that the Chinese employees improve their work constantly.

4.Party A shall,before the 25th of each month,serve a noice of payment of Chinese employees’service charge,overtime pay and other charges of the previous month to Party B which,after verification,shall make the payment to Party A within the first 10 days of the following month(including the charges for employees hired by individuals of Party B).The service charge rates fixed in U.S.dollars shall be converted into RMB(FEC)at the buying rate of U.S.dollars as announced by the Bank of China on the first day of the same month.ALL payments are to be made in terms of RMB(by checks of foreign exchange or FEC).In case of delayed payment,Party B has to pay an overdue fine of 0.5%of the daily interest of the amount. Allowances for meal overdue,night duty refreshment,and meal allowance on business trips may be paid directly to the Chinese employess themselves.

5.During the period when a Chinese employee is on annual leave,sick or casual leave,Party A shall send someone to replace him/her temporarily should party B request it,and the service charge of the substitute is to be borne by Party B,the amount being the same as that paid to the substituted.

6.The Chinese employees shall enjoy the following treatment:

A.The daily working hours are to be agreed upon through consultations between Party B and the Chinese employees,but should not exceed eight hours.Saturday afternoons shall be the time for their studies back to Party A.For overtime after the mutually agreed daily working hours and on holidays,Party B shall pay at the following rates(It is to be counted by the hour,i.e.if the overtime is over half an hour but less than one hour,it will be counted as one hour;overtime less than half an hour will not be counted):For senior staff members,translators and clerks,…yuan per hour;for other employees,…yuan per hour.The rates for overtime on festivals shall be doubled.

B.For overtime after 10∶00 p.m.,refreshments shall be served or a refreshment allowance of…yuan paid by Party B.

C.In case the Chinese employee is unable to have his/her meals at regulate time(breakfast from 6∶30 a,m.to 7∶30 a.m.,lunch from 12∶00noon to 12∶30 noon and supper from 17∶30 p.m.to 18∶30 p.m.)because of work requirement.

B shall pay him/her an allowance of…yuan for each meal overdue.

D.In case the Chinese employee is commissioned to go on a business trip to other cities and provinces,Party B,apart from meeting all expenses of travel and accommodation,shall pay him/her a business trip allowance of…yuan per day;if the Chinese employee is to pay for his/her own meals,Party B shall pay him/her a meal allowance of…yuan per day.

E.The Chinese employees are entitled to festivals,holidays and leaves every year as prescribed by the Chinese government.Those whose families live in Beijing are entitled to one month of annual leave;those whose families are mot in Beijing shall be given an additional 6- day leave for the home-visiting journey besides the one-month annual leave,Their servicecharge shall be paid as usual on festivals,holidays and during the annual leave.Party B may suspend payment of their service charge in case the Chinese employees fail to come back to work in time.Should a Chinese employee be unable to enjoy his/her entitled leaves owing to reasons on the part of Party B,the latter shall double his/her service charge.

F.Party B shall pay the usual service charge to the Chinese employees in case of continued sick leave of up to one month,and of meternity leave up to 90 days(for difficult labour 105 days)in a year.Party B may suspend payment of their service charge of the exceeded periods.

G.Party B shall,at the end of each year,give the Chinese employee who has worked for over ten months a reward equal to one month of service charge;for the Chinese employee who has worked for over six months but less than ten months,Party B shall give him/her a reward calculated by the month;for the Chinese employee who has worked for less than 6 months,Party B shall decide at its own discretion on the basis of his/her performance.

H.Party B shall,at the end of each year,give the Chinese employee who has worked for over ten months a dress allowance of…yuan;the Chinese employee who has worked for less than ten months shall be given the dress allowance calculated by the month.

I.Party B shall provide the chinese employees with facilities necessary for lunch break and meals.

7.The Chinese employees shall carry out the following duties:

A.He/She shall stick to his/her duties according to the job description and within hours of work mutually agreed upon.He or she shall try to do a good job,and must not arrive late or leave early without reason.

B.He/She shall maintain a quiet and clean working and living environment for Party B,and take good care of Party B’s articles which are intructed to him/her.

C.He/She shall dress neatly,and stick to civility and decorum.

D.Without the consent of Party B,he/she shall not use the former’s cars,equipment,and other articles,nor enter the places forbidden by the former.

E.Party B shall be informed in time when a Chinese employee is sick,and in case of a sick leave over two days,a medical certificate shall be presented to Party B.Approval of Party B shall be sought before he/she takes a casual leave.

F.Hours of overtime and the number of days of business trip shall be confirmed by PartyB.

Party B shall consult the Chinese employees if it wants him/her to do work not prescribedin the job description.

8.Party B shall insure for the Chinese employees at the People’s Insurance Co.of China against personal accident,each at the minimum amount of…yuan plus additional medical charges not less than…yuan.Party B has to pay the service charge of the Chinese employees during the period of leaves for injury that occurs at work.

9.Party B shall insure for the car which it entrusts the Chinese employee to drive againstLoss or Damage Cover as well as Third Person Liability Cover at the People’s Insurance Co.of China.

10.Party B has the right of use and administration over their Chinese employees within the extent stipulated in this contract.

A.Party B has the right to inform Party A of any problems concerning Chinese employees and get Party A’s assistance in settling those problems.

B.Party B has the right to reward,criticize,warn or dismiss a Chinese employee in view of the achievement or failure in his/her work.

C.Party B may,with the consent of Party A and the Chinese employees,change the job and decide on the promotion or training of the Chinese employees,according to its need as well as their ability.

D.Party A shall agree with Party B if the latter wants to put a new Chinese employee on probation which generally should not exceed two months.His/her service charge during the probationary period is to be fixed by Party A and Party B through consultation.

11.Party B shall obtain prior consent from party A if it requires the Chinese employee to go abroad temporarily,and it shall bear his/her traveling expenses,dress allowance,accommodation and pocket money.

1 2.Party B has the right to dismiss Chinese employees.Party A has the right to recall Chinese employees but they shall inform each other of the decision 1 5 days in advance,or try to settle the issue through consultation.

13.The following shall be applied when Chinese employees quit their j obs:

A.During the term of validity of the contract,should Party B dismiss a Chinese employee it shall pay Party A severance fee equal to one-month service charge ofthat Chinese employee;or should Party A recall a Chinese employee,it shall likewise pay Party B an amount equal to one-month service charge of that Chinese employee as compensation.However,both party A and Party B shall pay no severance fee or compensation if either informs the other of its decision 15 days in advance.

B.Party B shall pay up all charges according to the stipulations of this contract before a Chinese employee quits the job.

14.The Annex to the present contract is an integral part of the contract.

15.Matters that are not covered by the present contract shall be settled by the two parties through consultation.

16.The present contract shall come into effect from…(date)and remain valid for…year(s).If mo objection is raised by either party one month before the expiry of the contract,its validity is automatically extended for another year.

Done in duplicate in Beijing on…(date)in the Chinese and…languages,both texts being equally authentic.

(Signed) (Signed)

For Party A For Party B











































甲方代表 乙方代表

(本人签名) (本人签名)


As from…(date),the Beijing Housing Service Corporation for Diplomatic Missions(hereinafter referred to as Party A)leases tothe Embassy of…in China(hereinafter referred to as Party B)…apartment/apartments at No./Nos.…Entrance No.…,Building No.…of the Diplomatic Apartments for use as residence.If there are defects on the part of structure,installations or fittings,Party A shall be responsible for their amendment at its own expense.

The following lease contract thereon is hereby entered into between the two Parties:

Article I

As of the date when this lease contract comes into effect,Party B shall prepay quarterly a rent in the amount of…U.S.Dollars(foreign exchange cheques,or other hard currencies or foreign exchange certificates in the amount of…RMB yuan).Party B shall pay up the rent in lump sum within thirty days upon receipt of the Rent Payment Reminder issued by Party A.In case of deferred payment,0.2%of the rent must be paid for each day overdue to compensate for the losses sustained by Party A.

Party A may adjust the rent for the apartment leased to Party B according to the rising rate of prices and building repairs cost in Beijing,but a three-month notice shall be giyen to Party B in advance,

Article Ⅱ

Party A shall be responsible for providing the apartment rented by Party B with such services as water,electricity,gas,hot water and heating.Party B shall pay the costs of electricity and gas by the readings of the metres.In case the supply of water,electricity,hot water and heating in the apartment of Party B is interrupted due to Party A’s failure to repair or maintain the equipment in good time,Party A shall reduce the relevant charges accordingly.

Article Ⅲ

Party A shall carry out regular inspection of the apartment rented to Party B and be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the following items of normal wear and tear free of charge:

1.Leaking of roofs and decaying of wood floors;

2.Repairs or replacement of door or window fittings and screen nettings;

3.Repairs or replacement of blocked and leaking pipes,defective parts of valves,water taps and water tanks,and water piping,sewage,radiator and parts,and sanitary installations;

4.Repairs or replacement of lamp holders,sockets,switches and wiring;

5.Painting and distempering of communal passages for the ground floor,every two years and for the floors above,every three years;

6.Repair a lift in good time when it is in disorder and ensure all those who take the lifts against personal accidents.

Party B shall inform Party A in good time of the damages of the apartment and its installations,while Party A shall do the necessary repairs as soon as possible upon receiving the information.

Article Ⅳ

Party A shall seek prior consent from Party B in the inspection,maintenance and repairs of the leased apartment,and Party

B shall give such facilities and assistance as necessary.In an emergency situation where a fire,flooding or a gas leak occurs in an apartment and there is no way for Party A to inform Party B in good time,Party A may enter the apartment of Party B to deal with the problem.

Party A shall carry out regular inspection and maintenance of the fire-fighting equipment in the building.

Article V

Party A is responsible for making compensation to Party B for any losses caused by an accident as the result of Party A’s negligence in the inspection and repairs of the apartment leased to Party B,which leads to a damage in its structure.If an apartment can no longer be used and needs an overhaul which requires Party B to move out,Party A shall provide Party B with another apartment of approximately similar conditions,and Party B should move out from the original one as scheduled.If Party B fails to do so without good reason,it shall be responsible for all the losses entailed.

Article Ⅵ

Party B shall be responsible for the care of the leased apartment and its installations.In case of improper use,Party B shall be responsible for mendi ng the damage or compensating for the losses.Party B shall observe the provisions laid down in”Notes to Tenants”(to be provided separately).Party B shall not be responsible for damages of t he structure,installations or fittings of the building resulting from normal wear and tear.

Article Ⅶ

With the consent of Party A,Party B may carry out at its own expense the following works in the leased apartment;

1.Alterations to the original fixtures in the apartment,provided that no damage is caused thereby to the structure of the building;

2.Addition of fixtures and facilities.

In making alternations to original fixtures,dismantling or

changing original kitchen ranges,lights,sanitary installations etc.Party B shall inform Party A in advance and shall bear the due costs of losses sustained by Party A.At the termination of the lease,Party B may dismantle any installations it added or changed.Party B may also paint and distemper the rooms of the apartment at its own expense.

Article Ⅷ

With the consent of Party A,Party B may increase the power capacity for the leased apartment at its own expense.Party B may not use electric appliances which exceed the capacityload,nor alter the power supply installation on its own authority.Otherwise,the latter shall be responsible for all the losses caused thereby.

Party B shall install necessary fire-fighting epuipment on its own.

Article Ⅸ

In case the apartment leased to Party B is damaged by force majeure such as matural disasters,Party A shall cease to collect the rent totally or partially according to the state of damage of the apartment until it is restored.

Article X

Party B shall not transfer or sub-lease the apartment to another party without notifying Party A.Should Party B wish to terminate the lease agreement,a 15-day prior notice is required.After Party A has inspected the apartment and its installations and has established that they are in good condition(except normal wear and rear),the two parties shall complete formalities for the termination of the lease.The rent will be calculated to the day of termination.

If Party B applies for another apartment to replace the present one,it shall pay for the costs of the painting and distempering of the latter.

Article Ⅺ

This contract is valid from…(date)to…(date)after duly signed and sealed by both Parties.The contract will be automatically extended for one year provided that no obiection is raised by either Party thirty days before its expiry.

Done isduplicate in Beijing on…(date)in the Chinese and…languages,both texts being equally authentic.

(Signed) (Signed)

For Party A For Party B

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