
出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第9页(15543字)



速溶型阿霉素(盐酸阿霉素)是一种蒽环类抗肿瘤抗生素,由Farmitalia Research Laboratories研究实验室从一种链霉菌(streptomyces peucetius var casesius)培养液中提炼而出。










































Sterile pyrogen-free,orange-red,freeze-dried powder in vials containing 10 and 50 mg of doxorubicin hydrochioride with lactose and hydroxybenzoate.


Antimitotic and cytotoxic.Doxorubicin has been used successfully to produce regression in a wide range of neoplastic conditions including acute leukaemia,lymphomas,soft-tissue and osteogenic sarcomas,paediatric malignancies and adult solid tumours,in particular,breast and lung carcinomas.

Doxorubicin is frequently used in combination chemotherapy regimens involving other cytotoxic drugs.Doxorubicin cannot be used as an antibacterial agent.

Dosage and administration

For reconstitution the contents of the 10 mg vial may be dissolved in 5 ml Water for Injections or Sodium Chloride Injection and those of the 50 mg vial in 25 ml of the same solvents.

After adding the diluent,the vial contents will dissolve with gentle shaking,without inversion,with in 30 seconds.The approximate displacement value of the contents of a 50 mg vial,after 25 ml of solvent have been added is 0.15 ml.

Adults and children

Intravenous administration:This is the most frequently used route of administration.The reconstituted solution is given via the tubing of a freely-running intravenous infusion,taking 2-3 minutes over the injection.This technique minimizes the risk of thrombosis or perivenous extravasation which can lead to severe cellulitis and vesication.Commonly used acceptable solutions are Sodium Chloride Injection,Dextrose Injection 5% or Sodium Chloride and Dextrose Injection.

Dosage is usually calculated on the basis of body surface area.On this basis,60-75 mg/m2 may be given every three weeks when doxorubicin is used alone.If it is used in combination with other antitumour agents having over lapping toxicity,the dosage of doxorubicin may need to be reduced to 30-40 mg/m2 every three weeks.If dosage is to be calculated on the basis of body weight,1.2-2.4 mg/kg should be given as a single dose every three weeks.It has already been shown that giving doxorubicin as a single dose every three weeks greatly reduces the distressing toxic effect,mucositis;however there are still some who believe that dividing the dose over three successive days(0.4-0.8 mg/kg or 20-25 mg/m2 on each day)gives greater effectiveness even though at the cost of higher toxicity.

Administration of doxorubicin in weekly regimen has been shown to be as effective as the 3-weekly regimen.The recommended dosage is 20 mg/m2 weekly although objective responses have been seen at 6-12 mg/m2

Weekly administration leads to a reduction in cardiotoxicitv.

Dosage may need to be reduced for patients who have had prior treatment with other cytotoxic agents.Dosage may also need to be reduced in children and the elderly.

If hepatic or renal function is impaired,doxorubicin dosage should be reduced according to the following table.

Serum Bilirubin BSP Retention Recommended Dose


1.2-3.0 mg/100 ml 9%-15% 50%nomal dose

>3.0 mg/100 ml >15% 25%normal dose

Intra-arterial administration:Intra-arterial injection has been used in attempts to produce intense local activity while keeping the total dose low and therefore reducing general toxicity.It should be emphasized that this technique is potentially extremely hazardous and can lead to widespread necrosis of the perfused tissue unless due precautions are taken.

Intra-arterial injection should only be attempted by those fully conversant with this technique.

Intravesical administration:Doxorubicin is being increasingly used by intravesical administration for the treatment of transitional cell carcinoma,papillary bladder tumours and carcinoma-in-situ.It should not be employed in this way for the treatment of invasive tumours which have penetrated the bladder wall.It has also been found useful to instil doxorubicin into the bladder at intervals after transurethral resection of a tumour in order to reduce the probability of recurrence.While at present many regimens are in use,making interpretation difficult,thefollowing may be helpful guides:The concentration of doxorubicicn in the bladder should be 50 mg per 50 ml.To avoid undue dilution with urine,the patient should be instructed not to drink any fluid in the 12 hours prior to instillation.This should limit urine production to approximately 50 ml per hour.The patient should be rotated a quarter turnevery 15 minutes while the drug is in situ.

Exposure to the drug solution for one hour is generally adequate and the patient should be instructed to void at the end of this time.


Doxorubicin Rapid Dissolution is intended for use under the direction of those experienced in cytotoxic therapy.

Hypersensitivity to hydroxybenzoates is a contra-indication.

Dosage should not be repeated in the presence of bone-marrow depression or buccal ulcerations.The latter may be preceded by premonitory buccal burning sensations and repetition in the presence of this symptom is not advised.Haematological monitoring should be undertaken regularly in both haematological and non-haematological conditions,because of the possibility of bone-marrow depression which may become evident around ten days from the time of administration.

Cardiotoxicity may be manifested in tachycardia,including superventricular tachycardia and ECG changes.

Routine ECG monitoring is recommended and caution should be exercised in patients with impaired cardiac function.A cumulative dose of 450-550 mg/m2 should only be exceeded with extreme caution.Above this level the risk of irreversible congestive cardiac failure increases greatly.The total dose of doxorubicin administered to the individual patient should also take account of any previous or concomitant therapy with other potentially cardiotoxic agents such as high-dose i.v.cyclophosphamide,mediastinal irradiation or related anthracyclic compounds such as daunorubicin.

Administration of doxorubicin weekly has been shown to be associated with reduced cardiotoxicity compared with a 3-weekly schedule allowing patients to be treated to a higher cumulative dose.It should be noted that cardiac failure may occur several weeks after administration and may not respond to treatment.

Baseline and follow-up ECGs during and immediately after drug administration are advisable.Transient ECG changes,such as T-wave flattening,S-T segment depression and arrhythmias,are not considered indications for the suspension of doxorubicin therapy.A reduction of the QRS wave is considered more indicative of cardiac toxicity.If this change occurs,the benefit of continued therapy must be carefully evaluated against the risk of producing irreversible cardiac damage.

Severe cardiac failure may occur suddenly without premonitory ECG changes.

Doxorubicin rapid dissolution may impart a red colour to the urine,particularly to the first specimen passed after the injection,and patients should be advised that this is no cause for alarm.

Alopecia occurs frequently,including the interruption of beard-growth,but all hair growth normally resumes after treatment is stopped.

Nausea,vomiting and diarrhoea may also occur.

The risk of thrombophlebitis at the injection site may be minimized by following the procedure for administration recommended above.A stinging or burning sensation at the site of administration signifies a small degree of extravasation and the infusion should be stopped and re-started in another vein.

Pregnancy and lactation:There is no conclusive information as to whether doxorubicin may adversely affect human fertility of cause teratogenesis.Experimental data,however,suggest that doxorubicin may harm the foetus and should,therefore,not be administered to pregnant women or to mothers who are breast-feeding.

Overdosage Single doses of 250 mg and 500 mg of doxorubicin have proved fatal.Such doses may cause acute myocardial degeneration within 24 hours and severe myelosuppression,the effects of which are greatest between 10-15 days after administration.Treatment should aim to support the patient during this period and should utilise such measures as blood transfusions and reverse barrier nursing.Delayed cardiac failure may occur up to six months after the overdose.Patients should be observed carefully and should signs of cardiac failure arise be treated along conventional lines.

Pharmaceutical precautions

The vial contents are under a negative pressure to minimize aerosol for mation during reconstitution,particular care should be taken when the needle is inserted.Inhalation of any aerosol produced during reconstitution must be avoided.

The following protective recommendations are given due to the toxic nature of this subatance:

Personnel should be trained in good technique for reconstitution and handling.Pregnant staff should be excluded from working with this drug.

Personnel handling Doxorubicin rapid dissolution should wear protective clothing,goggles,gowns and disposable gloves and masks.

A designated area should be defined for reconstitution(preferably under a laminar flow system).The work surface should be protected by disposable,plastic-backed,absorbent paper.

All items used for reconstitution,administration or cleaning,including gloves,should be placed in high-risk.

Waste-disposal bags for high temperature incineration should be incinerated.

The reconstituted solution is stable when stored for up to 48 hours at room temperature in normal artificial light.however,in line with good pharmaceutical practice it is recommended that it should normally be stored at 2°-8℃,protected from light and used within 24 hours.The reconstituted solution is chemically stable for at least 24 hours at room temperature in strong sunlight.

The reconstituted solution contains 0.02% hydroxybenzoate.This is not a preservative solution.

Discard any unused solution.

Prolonged contact with any solution of an alkaline pH should be avoided as it will result in hydrolysis of the drug.

Doxorubicin Rapid Dissolution should not be mixed with heparin as a precipitate may form and it is not rcommended that Doxorubicin Rapid Dissolution be mixed with other drugs.

Accidental contact with the skin or eyes should be treated immediately by copious lavage with water or soap and water or sodium bicarbonate solution medical attention should be sought.

Spillage or leakage should be treated with dilute sodium hypochlorite(1%available chlorine)solution,preferably soaking overnight and then water.All cleaning materials should be disposed of as indicated previously.

Package quantities

10 mg and 50 mg vials supplied in individual cartons.


Erba Ltd.Italy
