出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第343页(10409字)
1.低血糖反应 如果注射过多量胰岛素,未按时进食或运动过量,可能发生胰岛素反应(低血糖)。
2.糖尿病酮症酸中毒 糖尿病酮症酸中毒表示血糖过高,这是非常严重的情况。可能由于注射胰岛素量少于所需量而产生的,疾病、感染时对胰岛素需求量增加,饮食没有节制,注射少于医师处方的胰岛素剂量或没有注射胰岛素都会发生上述情况。尿液检查如含有大量的糖和酮体则显示酮症酸中毒。症状有口渴、尿量增多、食欲不振、疲倦、皮肤干燥、呼吸急促,大约在数小时到数天内,逐渐发生。应立即请示医师治疗。若此症状不予治疗,会引致糖尿病昏迷或死亡。
(Neutral insnlin
Neutral insulin injection
Biosynthetic Human Insulin
Product information
Novolin R is a neutral solution of biosynthetic human insulin.
Biosynthetic human insulin is manufactured by recombinant DNA technology using yeast cells as the production organism,It is characterized by being identical to human insulin and of monocomponent purity.
Action profile after subcutaneous injection(approximate figures):onset 1/2 hour,maxi mum effect:between lst and 3rd hour,duration of action:8 hours.
Diabetes mellitus.
Dosage and administration
Follow the instructions from your doctor concerning type of insulin,dose and time of injection,Make sure that you have got the type and strength for insulin prescribed by your doctor.
When a switch is made from mixed species(porcine/bovine)or bovine insulin a dosage adjustment may be required dependent upon dosage,purity,species and formulation of the insulin(s)currently administered.
Variations in glycaemic control may occur and adjustments in therapy should be made under the guidance of your doctor.For patients currently controlled on porcine monocomponent or other highly purified human or porcine insulins,no dosage change is anticipated other than the routine adjustments made in order to maintain stable diabetic control.Do not change dosage or preparation except on your doctor's advice.
Novolin R is for subcutaneous,intramuscular or intravenous injection.
Insulin Pumps
Due to risk of precipitation in some pump catheters Novolin R is not recommended for use in insulin pumps.
Injection Procedure
Make sure that you are using a syringe which is marked corresponding to the strength of the insulin preparation prescribed by your doctor.
Always use the same type and brand of syringe.Failure to use the correct syringe can lead to dosage errors.Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor proceed as follows:
1.Insulin can either be clear(insulin solutions)or cloudy(insulin suspensions).
2.If you use only one insulin type:
Draw into the syringe a volume of air equal to the dose of insulin to be injected and introduce the air into the vial.
Turn the vial and svringe upside down and draw the correct insulin dose into the syringe.Then pull the needle out of the vial.Expel any air from the syringe and check that the dose is correct.
3.If you mix two insulin types:
Immediately before use,cloudy insulin should be rolled between your hands until the insulin is uniformly distributed throughout the liquid.
Draw into the syringe a volume of air equal to the dose to cloudy insulin,inject the air into the vial of cloudy insulin and take out the needle.
Draw into the syringe a volume of air equal to the dose of clear insulin.Inject the air into the vial of clear insulin,turn the vial and syringe upside down and withdraw the dose of clear insulin prescribed.Expel any air from the syringe and check that the dose is correct.Introduce the needle into the vial of cloudy insulin and withdraw the prescribed dose.Expel any air and check the dose.
Always draw up the insulin in the same order and inject the mixture immediately.
4.Pinch the skin between two fingers,push the needle into the fold at an angle of approx.45 degrees and inject the insulin under the skin(subcutaneously).
5.Remove the needle and press the injection spot gently for a few seconds to prevent any insulin seeping out.
6.Change the site of injection as advised by your doctor.
An insulin reaction(hypoglycaemia)may occur if you take too much insulin miss meals or exercise more than usuaI.
The first symptoms of an insulin reaction can come on suddenly and may include a cold sweat,rapid heart beat,nervousness or shakiness.These symptoms may be abolished by immediately taking sugar or a sugar sweetened product.Therefore,always carry a few sugar lumps or sweets with you.
A few patients have reported that after being transferred to human insulin,the early warning symptoms for hypoglycaemia were less pronounced than they were with animalsource insulin.
Your relatives and close work-mates should know that you are a diabetic and how to help if you get a severe insulin reaction.They must be aware that an unconscious person should not be given anything to eat or drink(as choking is possible),but should be turned on his side and medical assistance sought immediately,Recovery from unconsciousness may be hastened by the injection of glucagon,which can be given by a relative of friend who has been instructed in its use.If glucagon is used,sugar or glucose should be given by mouth as soon as consciousness has been regained.In the event of an insulin overdose,in addition to glucagon,glucose may be given intravenously by your doctor.Consult your doctor if you have experienced repeated insulin reactions,or one leading to unconsciousness,since a change in insulin dosage may be necessary.If severe hypoglycaemia is not treated,it can cause temporary or permanent brain damage,and death.
Diabetic ketoacidosis means a condition in which the blood sugar is usually very high.This is a very serious condition,which may develop if you take less insulin than you need.This may be due to increased insulin demand during illness or infection,neglect of diet,omission of insulin doses or the injection of a smaller insulin dose than that prescribed by your doctor.A developing ketoacidosis will be revealed by urine tests which show large amounts of sugar and ketones.The symptoms of thirst,large urine volumes,loss of appetite,fatigue,dry skin and deep and rapid breathing come on gradually,usually over a period of some hours or days.If you recognize these symptoms,consult your doctor immediately.If such symptoms are not treated,they can cause diabetic coma and death.
A number of drugs are known to influence insulin requirement.Therefore,if you are taking any other medication,please consult your doctor.
Insulin should be stored in its carton between 2-8℃,preferably in a refrigerator(not too near the freezing compartment).It must not be exposed to frost or sunlight.The vial in use may be kept at room temperature(max.25℃)for six weeks.
Keep out of reach of children.
Insulin solutions should not be used if not water-clear and colourless.Never use insulin after the expiration date printed on the pack.
Snap-off Caps
The insulin vials is packed and shipped with a protective,colour coded,tamper-proof plastic cap.In order for you to withdraw insulin from a new vial,the cap must be removed.If the cap is not securely fastened to a newly purchased vial,return the vial to your pharmacy.
Novolin R is a trademark owned by Novo Nordisk Ais,Denmark.
Novo Nordisk Ais,Denmark