出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉金融新词库》第291页(3233字)
‖statement analysis财务报表分析statement from creditor应付账款清单statement ledger簿记分类账statement of account(对)账单statement of account format账单格式statement of account receivable应收账款statement of accumulated net income累计净收益计算书statement of actual and estimated expenditures实际和预计支出对照表statement of actual and estimated revenue实际和预计收入对照表statement of affairs资产负债结算表statement of application of fund资金运用表statement of appropriation of income收益分配表statement of appropriation of net income净入分配(计算)表ststement of assets资产目录statement of assets and liabilities资产负债表statement of balance余额表,余额清单statement of balance ofpayments国际收支表statement of business(operation)营业损益表statement of capital surplus资本盈余计算表statement of cash现金收支表statement of cash checking现金清查表statement of cash flow现金流量表statement of cash in treasury库存现金表statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支明细表statement of cash receipts disbursements and balance现金收支及结存表statement of cash treasury库存现金表statement of change in cash现金变动表statement of change in financial position财务状况变动表statement of change in stockholder’s equity股东权益变动表statement of changes in financial position财务状况变动表statement of changes in general reserve一般储备变动表statement of changes in resources available for commitment可供承付的资金变动表statement of changes in retained earnings留存收益变动表statement of changes in surplus盈余变动表statement of claim索赔清单statement of condition财务状况计算书statement of costs成本报告statement of current account往来账明细表statement of current financial position本期财务状况表statement of current position(资金)流动情况表statement of customer应收账款清单statement of daily cash现金日记表statement of debit account负债一览表statement of deposit存款账户状况摘要statementof earning收益表statement of expenditures and encumbrance compared with appropriation支出及保留数与核定拨款数比较表statement of expenses费用清单statement of financial accounting standards财务会计标准说明书statement of financial condition财务状况表statement of financial implications财务状况报表statement of financial mcome and expenses财务收益及费用表statement of financial operations金融业务情况表,财务经营情况表statement of fund基金表,资金表statement of general budget audit总预算报表审计statement of income收益表statement of income and expenditure收入及支出明细表statement of income and expense收益与费用明细表statement of income and profit and loss收益及损益计算表statement of income and retained earnings收益与留存收益表statement of international balance of payments国际收支平衡表statement of liquidation(破产)清算书statement of loss and gain损益表statement of loss and profit损益(计算)表statement of payment付款报告表statement ofprofit and loss损益表,损益计算表statement of profit distribution利润分配表statement of property checking财产清查表statement of receipts and disbursements现金收支对照表statement of resources and their application资金运用表statement of responsibilities of internal auditing内部审计责任公告statement of revenue estimated and actual预计与实际收入比较表statement of revenues and expenditures收支对照表statement of revenues and expenditures on business营业收入支出表statement of stockholders’equity股东权益表statement of surplus盈余分配表,盈余明细表statement of the balance of international payment国际收支平衡表statement of transfers from IBRD国际复兴开发银行拨来资金报告书statement of variation of fund资金变动表statement of working capital营运资本表statement to customers购货客户结单statements in the instrument票据上的记载事项statements of the bill of exchange提单上的记载事项