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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:15:21

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第44页(754字)


vi.①总共达到,总计(to):The total grain output of the brigade amounted to 3 million jin last year.去年这个大队粮食总产量达三百万斤.②等于,相当于(to):Disunity among ourselves amounts to helping the enemy.我们之间的不团结就等于给敌人帮了忙.It amounts to the same thing.其实还是一样.amount to little(=riot amount to much)不重要,没多大道理:What he said amounted to very little.他说的话没有多大道理.

-n.①总量,总和:an annual output to the amount of five million tons年产量达五百万吨.what is the amount?总共多少?The amount of 5 and 8 is 13.五加八的和是十三.②数量,数额:The two superpowers spend a large amount of money on armaments expansion and war preparations.两个超级大国用巨款扩军备战.③意义,重要性:The decision is of much amount.这项决定很重要.This is the amount of what our Party branch secretary said.这是我们党支部书记所说的要点.④数量,数值.

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