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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:17:03

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第57页(611字)


vi.①呼吁,请求:appeal to the masses for help请求群众帮助.②诉诸,求助于:appeal to reason讲道理.appeal to arms诉诸武力.③【法】上诉.④(作品等)感人,动人,吸引人:The revolutionary oil painting Chairman Mao Goes to Anyuan appeals to the masses.群众喜爱革命油画《毛主席去安源》.


-n.①呼吁,请求:an appeal to the people of the whole world告全世界人民书.make an appeal for support请求支持.②【法】上诉,申诉.③感染力,魅力:The revolutionary symphonic music Shachiapang has powerful appeal for us.我们非常喜爱革命交响音乐《沙家浜》.make an appeal 吸引人,动人.

△a final appeal最后手段.make an appeal to(force)诉诸(武力).

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