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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:02:25

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第368页(649字)


vt.①分,划分:divide spheres of influence划分势力范围.Wars are divided into two kinds,just and unjust.战争分为两类,正义的和非正义的.②分配,分给,分摊:divide up the work分配工作.confiscate the landlords’land and divide it among the poor and lower-middle peasants没收地主的土地分给贫下中农.③分开,隔开,隔离:divide the sick from the others隔离病人.④使不一致,使不集中,使不和:Please don’t let such a small matter divide us.别让这样的小事使我们不和.⑤【数】除,等分:If you divide 9 by 3, you get 3.用三去除九得三.⑥【机】分度.

-vi.①分开,划开,分界:The subiect divides into three branches.此题分为三部分.②【英】(议会等)表决.

-n.①分,分配.②分裂,分割:the imperialist divide and rule policy帝国主义的分而治之政策.③【美】分水界,分水岭.

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