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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:04:27

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第386页(2006字)


n.①滴,点滴,水滴,(pl.)点滴药:a drop of rain雨滴.fight to the last drop of one’s blood战斗到流尽最后一滴血.drop by drop(or in drops)一滴一滴地、②微量,涓滴:a drop in the bucket(or ocean)沧海一粟.③(一杯)酒:take a drop 喝一杯have a drop in one’s eye微醉,带醉,醉态.take(or have)a drop too much喝醉.④滴状物:ear-drops耳坠.fruit drops水果糖.⑤落下,下降,跌落:a drop in the price of medicine药品价格的下降.supply drop 供应物资的空投.a drop light吊灯.a drop curtain垂幕.a drop in voltage电压降低.at the drop of a hat立刻,一给信号就….⑥降落距离:make a drop of 20 feet下降二十呎.

-(dropped,dropping)vt.①滴下:dropmedicine点药水.②投下,掉下,放下,停车让人下去:lift a rock and drop it on one’s own feet搬起石头打自己的脚.drop a letter into a pillar-box把信投入邮筒.drop the anchor抛锚.drop a bomb投炸弹.He dropped me at my door.他用车送我到家.③射落,打下:He dropped an enemy helicopter with a rifle.他用步枪打落敌人一架直升飞机.④减弱,降低,缩小:drop one’s voice放低声音.drop one’s speed减低速度.⑤漏掉,略去:Don’t drop any word in copying.抄写时别漏字.⑥透露,暗示,写寄:drop sb.a hint给某人暗示.Please drop me a few lines when you get there.你到那里后请寄封信告诉我.⑦丢弃,断绝,停止:drop a bad habit戒掉坏习惯.drop an acquaintance绝交.Drop it!停止!Let’s drop the matter.咱们丢开这件事吧.⑧(动物)产(仔):drop a lamb产羔.

-vi.①(雨、露、汗水等)滴下,流下:drop with sweat and blood流血流汗.A gentle rain dropped.下了一场小雨.②落下,降下:The book dropped from his hand.书从他手里掉下来了.The temperature has dropped.温度下降了.③减弱,降低,缩小:The wind dropped.风小了.In the U.S.A.the workers’real wages drop continuously.在美国,工人实际工资不断下降.drop behind落后:drop behind in one’s work工作上落后.drop astern(船)落后.drop off 1)逐步减少:The followers of imperialism are dropping off.帝国主义的追随者越来越少.2)睡着,打盹.drop away逐步减少.④停止,结束:Shall we let the subject drop?我们不谈这个问题好吗? drop out(of)退出,不参加,弃权:One of the players dropped out(of the competition).有一名运动员弃权了.drop through落空,一无所成.⑤倒下,倒毙:drop into a chair倒在椅上.Tom worked until he was ready to drop.汤姆一直工作到累得几乎站不住了.The enemy soldiers dropped one by one.敌人士兵一个个倒毙.⑥(动物)产仔.

△drop across sb.or sth.偶然遇见某人或某事.drop down 1)(人)倒下.2)(风等)突然停止.3)顺流而下.drop in顺便拜访(某人),串门:Drop in when you have time.你有时间来串门.drop on sb.责备某人.

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