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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:16:07

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第461页(1734字)


(farther,farthest or further,furthest)ad.①远:far back in the past远在过去.The house is not far away.房子离这儿不远.How far did you go?你们走了多远?——We did not go very far.——我们走得不很远.How far is it from here?离这儿多远?②(与形容词或副词连用)很,极,…得多:It is far hotter today than yesterday.今天天气比昨天热得多.Your work fell far short of our expectations.你的工作远远没有达到我们的期望.

△far and near(=far and wide)遍及,到处:The exciting news spread far and near.这个振奋人心的消息传遍四面八方.far from 1)决不:The compositionis far fromperfect.这篇作文很不完美.Far from it!远非如此!决无那种事!2)不但不…反而:Far from despising him,I greatly respect him.我不但不轻视他,反而很尊敬他.go far 1)(人)成功:He will go far.他会成功的.2)(钱)价值大:A dollar does not go so far today as it did two years ago.今天的一美元买不到两年前那么多东西.go far towards大有助于:The aid will go far to wards overcoming their difficulties. 此项援助将有助于他们克服困难.go far to(do)有利于(作某事).go too far(=carry sth.too far)过火,走极端.so far 至此,到现在:More than ten thousand people have so far attended the exhibition.到目前为止已有一万多人参观了这个展览会.So far,so good.到目前为止,一切都还不错.so(or as) far as 1)远至,到:I will go withyou as far as Peking.我可以和你一直到北京.He did not go so far as the other comrades.他没有象别的同志走得那么远.2)就,尽:So far as I know,there is no such aword in this dictionary.就我所知,这本词典中没有这个字.He will help us as far as possible.他将尽可能地帮助我们.3)到…程度:We have gone so far as to collect some useful statistics.我们甚至搜集了一些有用的统计资料.

-a.①遥远的,远的:a far country遥远的国家.the far past远古.the far East远东.a far cry很远的距离,很大的差别.②(=farther)较远的:the far side of the room房间的那一边.at the far end of the street在街的那一头.on the far bank of the river在河的对岸.

-n.远方:Have you come from far?你是从远方来的么?

△by far 大大,非常:This isby far the best.这个更好些.This is better bv far.这个好得多.

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