出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第486页(902字)
a.①平的,平坦的,平滑的:a 2flat floor平整的地板.a 2flat-fire gun平射炮.②平卧的,平贴的:He was 2flat on his back in bed.他仰面在床上躺着.The earthquake laid the city 2flat.地震震塌了全城的建筑物.We pushed the chairs 2flat against the wall.我们把椅子贴墙靠着.③扁平的:a 2flat pan平锅.One of the tyres is 2flat.有一个车胎瘪了.④平凡的,平淡的,枯燥的,呆滞的:The conversation was rather 2flat.这次谈话十分平淡.The markets in the capitalist world are 2flat.资本主义世界市场萧条.⑤直率的,断然的,彻底的:a 2flat denial断然否认.a 2flat failure彻底失败.And that’s 2flat!对这事不用怀疑了,完全如此!⑥【乐】降调的:B 2flat 降B调.⑦(色彩)单调的,无明暗的.
-ad.①平,平坦地:lie 2flat 平卧着.②平凡地,平淡地.③降调:sing 2flat 降半音唱.④明白地,断然地:He went 2flat against orders.他公然违抗命令.⑤恰好,正:2flat ten minutes(=ten minutes 2flat)恰好十分钟.
△fall 2flat 1)跌倒.2)完全失败,引不起反应:His joke fell 2flat.他说的笑话没逗笑大家.2flat out 1)【口语】全力以赴:He was working 2flat out,他全力以赴地工作着.2)精疲力尽.